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Recent content by El Bringy

  1. El Bringy

    Solved Changing background to video

    did you try shift + f5 from the browser?
  2. El Bringy

    Solved Changing background to video

    It seems like you're trying to create a full-page background video for your website but encountering issues with the video size when not using incognito mode. Let's troubleshoot the issue. The problem might be related to how different browsers handle the default styles for iframes. To ensure...
  3. El Bringy

    Meditation and the otland community

    If there is any link OR video that i can get started with EEG with it would be appreciated ( i know electrical physics, electronics engineers & software ) i think electromography should be a way to classify and categorize each movement mechanics
  4. El Bringy

    Meditation and the otland community

    Possible to apply the same application for example on brain movement order signals and define its direction?
  5. El Bringy

    Lua Server Crash

    there is not enough info around this to be able to troubleshoot it or atleast trace where the problem happened like for example can you answer those questions? 1) Was the server online and crashed suddenly? OR it doesn't start at all and just crashes before saying server is online 2) was it...
  6. El Bringy

    [Germany] [Custom / 8.6] [Official Release] Evolisca - Custom Mid-Rates Server - 08/03/2024 18:00 PM GMT +2

    Embark on an adventure filled with challenges and rewards as you explore the expanding world. Update Highlights: Content: Events: Raid & Daily Bosses: Quality of Life: Changes: Detailed Vocational Changes: Now that stability has been fully restored, ensuring a seamless experience...
  7. El Bringy

    AAC How to create landing page for mobile browser?

  8. El Bringy

    AAC How to create landing page for mobile browser?

    <?php // Check if the user agent indicates a mobile device function isMobileDevice() { return preg_match('/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera...
  9. El Bringy

    Pixel Items by Savlix

    I would work more on the shading and the texture to increase quality, but well done for the first time you actually made a perfect outline for your first models!
  10. El Bringy

    Proxy Tunnel Solution | With Client IP Passthrough

    I could setup it but im confused why players from NA have the same ping i have for NA they even have better connection for the EU (main server) than the proxy placed near to them, i tried to investigate but couldn't find anything useful i have EU 65MS, NA 250~ and people in NA have EU 130, NA...
  11. El Bringy

    [Germany] [Custom / 8.6] [Official Release] Evolisca - Custom Mid-Rates Server - 08/03/2024 18:00 PM GMT +2

    A proxy has been added for North America for the heavy ping you been going through, another proxy for the south american region is planned to be added soon
  12. El Bringy

    [Germany] [Custom / 8.6] [Official Release] Evolisca - Custom Mid-Rates Server - 08/03/2024 18:00 PM GMT +2

    The latest game update brings a plethora of new content, fixes, and improvements: New Content and Features: Introducing two new dungeons for players at levels 2000 and 2500, with loot conveniently visible within the in-game window. A new spawn at level 1200 has been added, alongside two...
  13. El Bringy

    [Germany] [Custom / 8.6] [Official Release] Evolisca - Custom Mid-Rates Server - 08/03/2024 18:00 PM GMT +2

    Happy you stayed with us till today ^^ Its never late to join us !
  14. El Bringy

    [Germany] [Custom / 8.6] [Official Release] Evolisca - Custom Mid-Rates Server - 08/03/2024 18:00 PM GMT +2

    I have some final points to mention 1) you are not forced to donate (its Free 2 play) 2) you can get to the same point just a little slower without donating at beta we had non-donators that were stronger than donators just because they were dedicated to being stronger. 3) server flooded with...
  15. El Bringy

    [Germany] [Custom / 8.6] [Official Release] Evolisca - Custom Mid-Rates Server - 08/03/2024 18:00 PM GMT +2

    Hey! sad to hear that you are unsatisfied but let me clarify that cosmetics ARE all earnable through game and bosses, you can literally earn more than 10 cosmetics daily without doing much effort, also at level 820 rich set won't be very useful for you so it is just a way to support the server...