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Monster 8.60 Monster pack


Nov 14, 2015
Reaction score
This monster pack contains fixed 8.60 monsters
Gold vs items order is corrected (when you open monster gold comes first, items later)

There's 807 files in total, some monsters are "duplicated", meaning a monster file was copied and moved and the old one forgotten, so excuse me if if I missed a few of them, but you can easily detect them by looking into files..

Amazon for example:
Used monster loot will have comments like <!-- skull -->
While an unused amazon could say -- skull instead.

But the monsters.xml is correct and if you run a proper 8.60 server you shouldn't get any errors.

Good to know:
There's a chance one or a few monsters drop wrong corpse, but in general everything should be okay with that.
The loot is pretty accurate to tibia.wikia, the offtick is about 0.5% so for a dragon as example, it will be pretty identical if you compare it with tibia.wikia.com

Enjoy the pack!
Download: http://***************/?dl=758bdd95fff53757451a3e1723c48a06

Alt Download: http://www.megafileupload.com/bWe8/8_6-Monsters.zip
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Reupload please? :)

Edit: No need to reupload just downloaded it in a different browser.
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This monster pack contains fixed 8.60 monsters
Gold vs items order is corrected (when you open monster gold comes first, items later)

There's 807 files in total, some monsters are "duplicated", meaning a monster file was copied and moved and the old one forgotten, so excuse me if if I missed a few of them, but you can easily detect them by looking into files..

Amazon for example:
Used monster loot will have comments like <!-- skull -->
While an unused amazon could say -- skull instead.

But the monsters.xml is correct and if you run a proper 8.60 server you shouldn't get any errors.

Good to know:
There's a chance one or a few monsters drop wrong corpse, but in general everything should be okay with that.
The loot is pretty accurate to tibia.wikia, the offtick is about 0.5% so for a dragon as example, it will be pretty identical if you compare it with tibia.wikia.com

Enjoy the pack!
Download: http://***************/?dl=758bdd95fff53757451a3e1723c48a06

Alt Download: Mega File Upload - Error

No chance that there is any working link or a chance for a re-upload on this? :)