• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!
  • New resources must be posted under Resources tab. A discussion thread will be created automatically, you can't open threads manually anymore.

NPC NPC Item Samples

GhostX is currently moderating the mapping boards only.
If you wish to edit your posts, you can always report the respective post with what you want edited. The easier approach would be to create a new thread that is up to date.
I want to update my first posts with new/updated scripts.
Why can't I edit these post?
Do I have to make a new thread insteed?
AFAIK threads older than a specific date are uneditable. Report the thread with your edit and a mod should add it - I only have access in the mapping boards to do this

edit for some reason, didn't see the above until I posted.
Very nice, but its not work, when I delete or change the line is a bug in console like:
[Warning - NpcScript::NpcScript] Can not load script: sellitems.lua
data/npc/scripts/sellitems.lua:288: ')' expected near ''dagger''" viking helmet, etc etc...

EDIT: Ok i found it, for exampe :
"shopModule:addSellableItem({'viking helmet'}, 2473, 66, 1. 'viking helmet')"
^^ its problem, where is "1." must be "1," then its work!
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