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Feature Unpack items/outfits from any client to PNG with OTClient!

yes, and those files are for outfits

Added item/outfit generator to sources (you can use binary file v3 to unpack outfits/items):

(from that other thread, and it's what I used to display custom outfits on ascalon-world.com)
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This is little C++ code for OTClient to unpack items/outfits. This is code/tutorial for advanced OTS users!
With this code/tutorial you can unpack items/outfits images from your tibia version/your custom client .spr/.otb!

First you need to compile OTClient (edubart/otclient) and this is not part of this tutorial.
I compiled it on linux and windows without any problems with this tutorial:

1. In src/client/thingtype.cpp find:
void ThingType::exportImage(std::string fileName)
   (here content of function)
and replace with:
void ThingType::exportImage(std::string fileName, int type)
    /* types:
    0 - normal export
    1 - outfit export, all animation frames
    2 - outfit export, only first animation frame
    3 - items export, first frame of animation
        stdext::throw_exception("cannot export null thingtype");

    if(m_spritesIndex.size() == 0)
        stdext::throw_exception("cannot export thingtype without sprites");
    if(type == 0)
        /* ORGINAL CODE */
        ImagePtr image(new Image(Size(32 * m_size.width() * m_layers * m_numPatternX, 32 * m_size.height() * m_animationPhases * m_numPatternY * m_numPatternZ)));
        for(int z = 0; z < m_numPatternZ; ++z) {
            for(int y = 0; y < m_numPatternY; ++y) {
                for(int x = 0; x < m_numPatternX; ++x) {
                    for(int l = 0; l < m_layers; ++l) {
                        for(int a = 0; a < m_animationPhases; ++a) {
                            for(int w = 0; w < m_size.width(); ++w) {
                                for(int h = 0; h < m_size.height(); ++h) {
                                    image->blit(Point(32 * (m_size.width() - w - 1 + m_size.width() * x + m_size.width() * m_numPatternX * l),
                                                      32 * (m_size.height() - h - 1 + m_size.height() * y + m_size.height() * m_numPatternY * a + m_size.height() * m_numPatternY * m_animationPhases * z)),
                                                g_sprites.getSpriteImage(m_spritesIndex[getSpriteIndex(w, h, l, x, y, z, a)]));

    else if(type == 1)
        /* OUTFITS ANIM */
        patternX = direction
        patternY = 0/1/2 = addon none/first/second
        patternZ = 0/1 = is sitting on mount no/yes
        layer = 0/1 = biala postac / co jak wypelniac
        for(int z = 0; z < m_numPatternZ; ++z) {
            for(int y = 0; y < m_numPatternY; ++y) {
                for(int x = 0; x < m_numPatternX; ++x) {
                    for(int l = 0; l < m_layers; ++l) {
                        for(int a = 0; a < m_animationPhases; ++a) {
                            ImagePtr image(new Image(Size(32 * m_size.width(), 32 * m_size.height())));
                            for(int w = 0; w < m_size.width(); ++w) {
                                for(int h = 0; h < m_size.height(); ++h) {
                                    image->blit(Point(32 * (m_size.width() - w - 1), 32 * (m_size.height() - h - 1)), g_sprites.getSpriteImage(m_spritesIndex[getSpriteIndex(w, h, l, x, y, z, a)]));
                            if(l == 1)
    else if(type == 2)
        /* OUTFITS NO ANIM */
        patternX = direction
        patternY = 0/1/2 = addon none/first/second
        patternZ = 0/1 = is sitting on mount no/yes
        layer = 0/1 = biala postac / co jak wypelniac
        for(int z = 0; z < m_numPatternZ; ++z) {
            for(int y = 0; y < m_numPatternY; ++y) {
                for(int x = 0; x < m_numPatternX; ++x) {
                    for(int l = 0; l < m_layers; ++l) {
                        ImagePtr image(new Image(Size(32 * m_size.width(), 32 * m_size.height())));
                        for(int w = 0; w < m_size.width(); ++w) {
                            for(int h = 0; h < m_size.height(); ++h) {
                                image->blit(Point(32 * (m_size.width() - w - 1), 32 * (m_size.height() - h - 1)), g_sprites.getSpriteImage(m_spritesIndex[getSpriteIndex(w, h, l, x, y, z, 0)]));
                        if(l == 1)
    else if(type == 3)
        /* ITEMS */

        ImagePtr image(new Image(Size(32 * m_size.width(), 32 * m_size.height())));
        for(int l = 0; l < m_layers; ++l) {
            for(int w = 0; w < m_size.width(); ++w) {
                for(int h = 0; h < m_size.height(); ++h) {
                image->blit(Point(32 * (m_size.width() - w - 1), 32 * (m_size.height() - h - 1)),
                    g_sprites.getSpriteImage(m_spritesIndex[getSpriteIndex(w, h, l, 0, 0, 0, 0)]));
        image->savePNG(stdext::format("items/%s.png", fileName));

1.1 At begining of file add:
#include <framework/core/resourcemanager.h>

2. In src/client/thingtype.h find:
void exportImage(std::string fileName);
and replace with:
void exportImage(std::string fileName, int type = 0);

3. Rebuild project.


Now LUA/client part.


1. Copy Tibia [tibia.com] client Tibia.dat and Tibia.spr to data/things/1076/Tibia.dat and data/things/1076/Tibia.spr
2. Copy OTS (make sure it's 10.76 OTS!) data/items/items.otb to OTClient data/things/1076/items.otb

3. Run OTClient.exe
4. At top of client window is small black icon that opens 'console'. Click it! :)
5. Tell (paste in console and press ENTER) OTClient where are files and what tibia version it is:
g_game.setClientVersion(1076) g_things.loadDat('things/1076/Tibia.dat') g_things.loadOtb('things/1076/items.otb') g_sprites.loadSpr('things/1076/Tibia.spr')
6. Choose what you want to unpack and paste code (when you paste it in console, it will be all in 1 line, just press ENTER, it will work!):
6.1. OUTFITS, with all animation frames
for i,v in pairs(g_things.getThingTypes(1)) do
    if(v and v:getId() > 0) then
        outfit = g_things.getThingType(v:getId(),1)
        outfit:exportImage(v:getId(), 1)
6.2 OUTFITS, just first frame of animation
for i,v in pairs(g_things.getThingTypes(1)) do
    if(v and v:getId() > 0) then
        outfit = g_things.getThingType(v:getId(),1)
        outfit:exportImage(v:getId(), 2)
6.3 ITEMS, first frame of animation, count = 1
for i,v in pairs(g_things.getThingTypes(0)) do
    if(v and v:getId() > 0) then
        itemOtb = g_things.findItemTypeByClientId(v:getId())
        if(itemOtb and itemOtb:getClientId() > 0) then
            item = g_things.getThingType(itemOtb:getClientId(),0)
            if(item and item:getId() > 0) then
                item:exportImage(itemOtb:getServerId(), 3)
Now client will freez for few seconds/minutes.. client unfreez, but where are my images?

Windows: C:\Users\yourWindowsUserName\otclient\
Linux: /home/yourUserName/.otclient/

Script will create folders:
items, outfits_no_anim, outfits_anim

Files in these folders are in format compatible with outfit generator/Gesior acc. maker images folder.
how I can open otclient? I compilled but my computer asks how I want to open otclient: is it like it's not an application, what Im doing wrong?
On windows it should create otclient.exe file. On linux it creates 'otclient' file. You can run it by console ./otclient. Maybe you need to use 'chmod +x otclient' to make it 'executable' and then run in system GUI.
On windows it should create otclient.exe file. On linux it creates 'otclient' file. You can run it by console ./otclient. Maybe you need to use 'chmod +x otclient' to make it 'executable' and then run in system GUI.
thanks, worked!!

but about outfit.data.txt, how can we generate this file, must it be manually?
I generated the pngs and still appear: "Outfit does not exist or file cache is not generated."
So I entered the link cacheGenerator with my password and appear: "array(7) { [8]=> int(546) [3]=> int(252) [5]=> int(2) [4]=> int(12) [2]=> int(11) [6]=> int(3) [1]=> int(7) }"
I generated the pngs and still appear: "Outfit does not exist or file cache is not generated."
So I entered the link cacheGenerator with my password and appear: "array(7) { [8]=> int(546) [3]=> int(252) [5]=> int(2) [4]=> int(12) [2]=> int(11) [6]=> int(3) [1]=> int(7) }"
So new outfits work for you?
Items folder is full of XXXX.png files, XXXX - OTS item ID

Outfit folder name = outfit ID.
Outfit file names are like:
X - frame ID (from 1 up to 8 [not all creatures have 8 frames of animation])
Y - mount: 1 - not on mount, 2 - on mount
Z - addon: 1 - none, 2 - first, 3 - second [there is a special method how to compose these 3 images [none + first + second] into one .png, PHP code is in my forum outfit thread, in .zip]
O - direction (1 - 4)
If you want to convert all item PNG images into GIF images it's simpliest possible PHP code to do it. You just need webserver and 2 folders:
$from = 'items'; // images PNG folder
$to = 'gif'; // empty folder
function png2gif($pngs, $background = array(255, 255, 255), $dest = 'gif')
    // by WebReflection
    foreach($pngs as $png){
        $size = getimagesize($png);
        $img = imagecreatefrompng($png);
        $image = imagecreatetruecolor($width = $size[0], $height = $size[1]);
        imagefill($image, 0, 0, $bgcolor = imagecolorallocate($image, $background[0], $background[1], $background[2]));
        imagecopyresampled($image, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $width, $height);
        imagecolortransparent($image, $bgcolor);
        imagegif($image, str_ireplace('.png', '.gif', $dest.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.basename($png)), 100);
png2gif(glob($from . "/*.png"), $background = array(255, 255, 255), $to);

updated PHP code, now change PNG to GIF with transparent backgrounds!

Hey, I did it but dont converted to gif, my page with this script appear blank and folder gif have nothing inside
Ps. I have folder items with many images png inside, both folders with chmod 777 -R
Hey, I did it but dont converted to gif, my page with this script appear blank and folder gif have nothing inside
Ps. I have folder items with many images png inside, both folders with chmod 777 -R
worked, sorry, thanks!
Someone asked in this thread, if it's possible to export 'effect' animations, but he posted it in Portuguese and message has been deleted.
I answered - in English - I will try to make it on Tuesday, but my answer was also deleted.

Anyway, now it's possible. Generator is available here:
It will generate effects.zip file with .png images. To convert them to animated .gifs, you need to upload that effects.zip to:
Someone asked in this thread, if it's possible to export 'effect' animations, but he posted it in Portuguese and message has been deleted.
I answered - in English - I will try to make it on Tuesday, but my answer was also deleted.

Anyway, now it's possible. Generator is available here:
It will generate effects.zip file with .png images. To convert them to animated .gifs, you need to upload that effects.zip to: