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AAC ZnoteAAC show killing assists at characterprofile deathlist


(҂ ͠❛ ෴ ͡❛)ᕤ
Dec 17, 2011
Reaction score
Santiago - Chile
I use TFS 1.5 downgrades 8.6. Hi guys! Someone knows how to add death assists to znote aac characterprofile? It only shows 1 killer, no assists. I already set up the playerdeath.lua creaturescript from znote main repository (tested the revscript and the creaturescript), both works well in-game, the assists are shown. But in website, the deathlist doesn't count killing assists (if a player was killed by multiple players).

Here's my characterprofile.php (inside sub folder)
<?php require_once 'engine/init.php';
if ($config['log_ip'])

if (isset($_GET['name']) === true && empty($_GET['name']) === false)
    $name = getValue($_GET['name']);
    $user_id = user_character_exist($name);
    if ($user_id !== false)
        if ($config['TFSVersion'] == 'TFS_10')
            $profile_data = user_character_data($user_id, 'account_id', 'town_id', 'name', 'level', 'group_id', 'vocation', 'health', 'healthmax', 'experience', 'mana', 'manamax', 'sex', 'lastlogin', 'looktype', 'lookhead', 'lookbody', 'looklegs', 'lookfeet', 'exphist1', 'exphist2', 'exphist3', 'exphist4', 'exphist5', 'exphist6', 'exphist7');
            $profile_data['online'] = user_is_online_10($user_id);
            if ($config['Ach'])
                $user_id = (int) $user_id;
                $achievementPoints = mysql_select_single("SELECT SUM(`value`) AS `sum` FROM `player_storage` WHERE `key` LIKE '30___' AND `player_id`=$user_id");
            $profile_data = user_character_data($user_id, 'name', 'account_id', 'town_id', 'level', 'group_id', 'vocation', 'health', 'healthmax', 'experience', 'mana', 'manamax', 'lastlogin', 'online', 'sex', 'looktype', 'lookhead', 'lookbody', 'looklegs', 'lookfeet', 'exphist1', 'exphist2', 'exphist3', 'exphist4', 'exphist5', 'exphist6', 'exphist7');
        $profile_znote_data = user_znote_character_data($user_id, 'created', 'hide_char');
        $account_data = user_znote_account_data($profile_data['account_id'], 'flag');
        $guild_exist = false;
        if (get_character_guild_rank($user_id) > 0)
            $guild_exist = true;
            $guild = get_player_guild_data($user_id);
            $guild_name = get_guild_name($guild['guild_id']);
        <!-- PROFILE MARKUP HERE-->
  <td class="white"><b><?php echo $config['site_title'] ?> | Búsqueda de personaje</b></td>
        <table style='table-layout:auto' id="characterProfileTable" class="default" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
                <tr class="yellow">
                    <th style="width:200px">
                        <?php if ($loadOutfits): ?>
                            <div class="outfit">
                                <img src="<?php echo $config['show_outfits']['imageServer']; ?>?id=<?php echo $profile_data['looktype']; ?>&addons=<?php echo $profile_data['lookaddons']; ?>&head=<?php echo $profile_data['lookhead']; ?>&body=<?php echo $profile_data['lookbody']; ?>&legs=<?php echo $profile_data['looklegs']; ?>&feet=<?php echo $profile_data['lookfeet']; ?>" alt="img">
                        <?php endif;
                        $flags = $config['country_flags'];
                        if ($flags['enabled'] && $flags['characterprofile']) {
                            $account_data = user_znote_account_data($profile_data['account_id'], 'flag');
                            if (strlen($account_data['flag']) > 0):
                                ?><!-- Player country data -->
                                <div class="flag">
                                    <img src="<?php echo $flags['server'] . '/' . $account_data['flag']; ?>.png">
                echo '
                <div style="position:relative; left:-5px; top:-48px;">
                    <div style="background-image: url(layout/outfitter/outfit.php?id='.$profile_data['looktype'].'&head='.$profile_data['lookhead'].'&body='.$profile_data['lookbody'].'&legs='.$profile_data['looklegs'].'&feet='.$profile_data['lookfeet'].');
                        width:64px;height:64px;position:absolute;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:right bottom;">
                        <h2>&emsp;<?php echo $profile_data['name']; ?></h2>

<!-- Player Profession: -->
                <tr><td><strong>&emsp;Vocation:</strong></td><td>&emsp;<?php if ($profile_data['sex'] == 1) { echo 'He is a '; echo vocation_id_to_name($profile_data['vocation']); } else { echo 'She is a '; echo vocation_id_to_name($profile_data['vocation']); }?></td></tr>
                <!-- Player level -->
                    <td><strong>&emsp;Level:</strong></td><td colspan="2">
                        echo $profile_data['level']; echo ' and has '; echo $profile_data['experience']; echo ' experience points';
                <!-- Player Position -->
                <?php if ($profile_data['group_id'] > 1) { ?>
                <tr><td><strong>&emsp;Position:</strong></td><td colspan="2">&emsp;<?php echo 'Greed\'s Staff Member ('; echo group_id_to_name($profile_data['group_id']); echo ')'; ?></td></tr>
                <?php } ?>
                <!-- Player guild -->
                if ($guild_exist)
                <td><strong>&emsp;Guild Membership:</strong></td>
                    <td colspan="2">
                &emsp;<?php if ($profile_data['sex'] == 1) { echo 'He\'s '; echo $guild['rank_name']; ?> of <a href="guilds.php?name=<?php echo $guild_name; ?>"><?php echo $guild_name;} else {echo 'She\'s '; echo $guild['rank_name']; ?> of <a href="guilds.php?name=<?php echo $guild_name; ?>"><?php echo $guild_name;} ?></a>
                <!-- Player last login -->
                    <td><strong>&emsp;Last Login:</strong></td><td colspan="2">
                    if ($profile_data['lastlogin'] != 0)
                        echo getClock($profile_data['lastlogin'], true, true); echo ' (UTC-4 CL)';
                        echo 'Never logged in.';
                <!-- Achievement start -->
                <center><?php if ($config['Ach'] && (int)$achievementPoints['sum'] > 0): ?></center>
                        <td>&emsp;Achievement Points</td>
                        <td><?php echo (int)$achievementPoints['sum']; ?></td>
                <?php endif; ?>
                <!-- Display house start -->
                if ($config['TFSVersion'] !== 'TFS_02')
                    $townid = ($config['TFSVersion'] === 'TFS_03') ? 'town' : 'town_id';
                    $houses = mysql_select_multi("SELECT `id`, `owner`, `name`, `$townid` AS `town_id` FROM `houses` WHERE `owner` = $user_id;");
                    if ($houses)
                        $playerlist = array();
                        foreach ($houses as $h)
                            if ($h['owner'] > 0)
                                $playerlist[] = $h['owner'];
                            if ($profile_data['id'] = $h['owner'])
                                <tr><td><strong>&emsp;House:</strong></td><td colspan="2">&emsp;<?php echo $h['name']; ?>, <?php
                                    foreach ($config['towns'] as $key => $value)
                                        if ($key == $h['town_id'])
                                            echo $value;
                <!-- Display house end -->
                <!-- Display player status -->
                <tr><td><strong>&emsp;Status:</strong></td><td colspan="2">&emsp;<?php
                if ($config['TFSVersion'] == 'TFS_10')
                    if ($profile_data['online'])
                        echo 'This player is currently '; echo '<font class="profile_font" name="profile_font_online" color="green"><b>online</b></font>';
                        echo 'This player is currently '; echo '<font class="profile_font" name="profile_font_online" color="red"><b>offline</b></font>';
                    if ($profile_data['online'])
                        echo 'This player is currently '; echo '<font class="profile_font" name="profile_font_online" color="green"><b>online</b></font>';
                        echo 'This player is currently '; echo '<font class="profile_font" name="profile_font_online" color="red"><b>offline</b></font>';
                <!-- Display player status end -->
                <!-- Player created -->
                <tr><td><strong>&emsp;Created:</strong></td><td colspan="2">&emsp;<?php echo getClock($profile_znote_data['created'], true); echo ' (UTC-4 CL)';?></td></tr>

        <!-- Season --->
    <!---    <table border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
            <th colspan="2"><font class="profile_font"><b>Seasons ranking:</b></font></th>
$seasons = mysql_select_multi("SELECT id, name FROM seasons ORDER BY id");

foreach($seasons as $season) {
    $seasonData = mysql_select_single("SELECT rank_level, level, experience FROM season_archive WHERE `season_id` =" . (int)$season['id'] . " AND `player_id` =" . (int)$user_id);
    echo '<tr>';
    echo '<td><b>' . $season['name'] . '</b></td>';
    if ($seasonData) {
        echo '<td>#' . $seasonData['rank_level'] . ' (level ' . $seasonData['level'] . ', exp ' . $seasonData['experience'] . ')</td>';
    } else {
        // player has no rank for season = was created after season finished
        echo '<td>Not participated in competition</td>';
    echo '</tr>';

        <!-- Achievements start -->
        <?php if ($config['Ach']):
            $achievements = mysql_select_multi("
                SELECT `player_id`, `value`, `key`
                FROM `player_storage`
                WHERE `player_id`='$user_id'
                AND `key` LIKE '30___';
            $c_achs = $config['achievements'];
            $toggle = array(
                'show' => '<a href="#show">Show</a>',
                'hide' => '<a href="#hide">Hide</a>'
            if ($achievements !== false): ?>
                <h3>Achievements: <label id="ac_label_hide" for="ac_toggle_hide"><?php echo $toggle['show']; ?></label></h3>
                <!-- <div id="accordion">
                    <h3>Show/hide player achievements</h3>
                </div><br> -->
                <input type="checkbox" id="ac_toggle_hide" name="ac_toggle_hide">
                <table class="achievements">
                        <?php foreach($achievements as $a): ?>
                                <td><?php echo $c_achs[$a['key']][0]; ?></td>
                                <td><?php echo $c_achs[$a['key']][1]; ?></td>
                                <td><?php echo $a['value']; ?></td>
                        <?php endforeach; ?>
                <style type="text/css">
                    #ac_toggle_hide {
                        display: none;
                    #ac_toggle_hide:checked + table.achievements {
                        display: table;
                <script type="text/javascript">
                    document.getElementById("ac_label_hide").addEventListener("click", function(event){
                        if (document.getElementById("ac_label_hide").innerHTML == "<?php echo str_replace('"', '\"', $toggle['show']); ?>") {
                            document.getElementById("ac_label_hide").innerHTML = "<?php echo str_replace('"', '\"', $toggle['hide']); ?>";
                            document.getElementById("ac_toggle_hide").checked = true;
                        } else {
                            document.getElementById("ac_label_hide").innerHTML = "<?php echo str_replace('"', '\"', $toggle['show']); ?>";
                            document.getElementById("ac_toggle_hide").checked = false;
            <?php endif; ?>
        <?php endif; ?>

        <!-- DEATH LIST -->
        <table class="default" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
                <tr class="yellow">
                    <th colspan="2">Death List</th>
                if ($config['ServerEngine'] == 'TFS_10') {
                    $deaths = mysql_select_multi("
                        FROM `player_deaths`
                        WHERE `player_id`=$user_id
                        ORDER BY `time` DESC
                        LIMIT 10;

                    if ($deaths) {
                        foreach ($deaths as $d) {
                            $lasthit = ($d['is_player'])
                            ? "<a href='characterprofile.php?name=".$d['killed_by']."'>".$d['killed_by']."</a>"
                            : $d['killed_by'];

                                <td><?php echo getClock($d['time'], true, true); ?></td>
                                    echo "Killed at level ".$d['level']." by {$lasthit}";
                                    if ($d['unjustified']) {
                                        echo " <font color='red' style='font-style: italic;'>(unjustified)</font>";
                                    $mostdmg = ($d['mostdamage_by'] !== $d['killed_by']) ? true : false;
                                    if ($mostdmg) {
                                        $mostdmg = ($d['mostdamage_is_player'])
                                        ? "<a href='characterprofile.php?name=".$d['mostdamage_by']."'>".$d['mostdamage_by']."</a>"
                                        : $d['mostdamage_by'];

                                        echo "<br>and by $mostdmg.";

                                        if ($d['mostdamage_unjustified']) {
                                            echo " <font color='red' style='font-style: italic;'>(unjustified)</font>";
                                    } else {
                                        echo " <b>(soloed)</b>";
                    } else {
                            <td colspan="2">This player has never died.</td>
                } elseif ($config['ServerEngine'] == 'TFS_02') {
                    $array = user_fetch_deathlist($user_id);
                    if ($array) {
                        foreach ($array as $value):
                            if ($value['is_player'] == 1) {
                                $value['killed_by'] = 'player: <a href="characterprofile.php?name='. $value['killed_by'] .'">'. $value['killed_by'] .'</a>';
                            } else {
                                $value['killed_by'] = 'monster: '. $value['killed_by'] .'.';
                                <td><?php echo getClock($value['time'], true, true); ?></td>
                                <td><?php echo 'Killed at level '. $value['level'] .' by '. $value['killed_by']; ?></td>
                        <?php endforeach;
                    } else {
                            <td colspan="2">This player has never died.</td>
                } elseif (in_array($config['ServerEngine'], array('TFS_03', 'OTHIRE'))) {
                    //mysql_select_single("SELECT * FROM players WHERE name='TEST DEBUG';");
                    $array = user_fetch_deathlist03($user_id);
                    if ($array) {
                        // Design and present the list
                        foreach ($array as $value):
                            $value[3] = user_get_killer_id(user_get_kid($value['id']));
                            if ($value[3] !== false && $value[3] >= 1) {
                                $namedata = user_character_data((int)$value[3], 'name');
                                if ($namedata !== false) {
                                    $value[3] = $namedata['name'];
                                    $value[3] = 'player: <a href="characterprofile.php?name='. $value[3] .'">'. $value[3] .'</a>';
                                } else {
                                    $value[3] = 'deleted player.';
                            } else {
                                $value[3] = user_get_killer_m_name(user_get_kid($value['id']));
                                if ($value[3] === false) {
                                    $value[3] = 'deleted player.';
                                <td><?php echo getClock($value['date'], true, true); ?></td>
                                <td><?php echo 'Killed at level '. $value['level'] .' by '. $value[3]; ?></td>
                        <?php endforeach;
                    } else {
                            <td colspan="2">This player has never died.</td>

        <!-- CHARACTER LIST -->
        // Backward compatibility
        $select_online = "CASE WHEN `l`.`player_id` IS NULL THEN 0 else 1 END as `online`";
        $join_online = "LEFT JOIN `players_online` as `l` ON `p`.`id` = `l`.`player_id`";
        if ($config['ServerEngine'] != 'TFS_10') {
            $select_online = "`p`.`online`";
            $join_online = "";

        // Load other visible characters
        $otherChars = mysql_select_multi("
            FROM `players` as `o`
            JOIN `players` as `p`
                ON `o`.`account_id` = `p`.`account_id`
            LEFT JOIN `znote_players` as `z`
                ON `p`.`id` = `z`.`player_id`
            LEFT JOIN `znote_players` as `z2`
                ON `o`.`id` = `z2`.`player_id`
            WHERE `o`.`id` = {$user_id}
            AND `p`.`id` != `o`.`id`
            AND `z`.`hide_char` = 0
            AND `z2`.`hide_char` = 0
            ORDER BY `p`.`experience` DESC;

        // Render table if there are any characters to show
        if ($otherChars !== false) {
                <table id="characterprofileTable" class="table table-striped table-hover" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
                <th colspan="5"<b>Other visible characters on this account:</b></th>

                    <tr class="yellow">
                        <th>Last login:</th>
                    // Add character rows
                    foreach ($otherChars as $char):
                            <td><a href="characterprofile.php?name=<?php echo $char['name']; ?>"><?php echo $char['name']; ?></a></td>
                            <td><?php echo (int)$char['level']; ?></td>
                            <td><?php echo vocation_id_to_name($char['vocation']); ?></td>
                            <td><?php echo ($char['lastlogin'] != 0) ? getClock($char['lastlogin'], true, true) : 'Never.'; ?></td>
                            <td><?php echo ($char['online']) ? 'online' : 'offline'; ?></td>
        <!-- END CHARACTER LIST -->
        echo htmlentities(strip_tags($name, ENT_QUOTES)) . ' does not exist.';
    <form type="submit" action="characterprofile.php" method="get">
    <table class="default" border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" width="100%">
        <tr><th >Search Character</th></tr>
            <table style="width: auto;margin: 0;">
                    <td><strong>Name:</strong></td><td><input size="29" type="text" name="name" class="search"></td>
                    <input type="Submit" value="" class="hover" style="background: url(layout/tibia_img/sbutton_submit.gif); width:120px;height:18px;border: 0 none;" border="0"></td>

    header('Location: index.php');


Thanks in advance!
Last edited: