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Selling Random Item Stats - Creatures can drop boosted items!

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Lua Scripter
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
edit: this script is no longer for sale

All loot dropped will have a chance to become 'deadly', 'fortified', 'strong', 'hawkeyes', 'farsight' or 'quick'. This system will also cause monsters to drop epic and legendary items. This will turn all common loot into collectibles! Great for RPG!

Random Item Stats

This script is a great addition to all RPG servers. When installed, all loot dropped will have a chance to be modified to have increased stats. The stats that are modified when dropped are attack, defense, attack speed, hit chance, shoot range and armor. All loot dropped will have a chance to become 'deadly', 'fortified', 'strong', 'hawkeyes', 'farsight' or 'quick'. When a boosted item is dropped, the monster corpse will sparkle and the text RARE will show above it. This script will give all items a chance to become epic and legendary which helps build the server economy by adding rare/powerful weapons to average common items without any effort on your part. Everything is easily modified and explained, simple setup and I will give 100% support if you have any problems. 5 minute setup, pm me if you need a better explanation.
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offer, and is it possible to make so quests can give out such items also? ))
I recommend this guy
offer, and is it possible to make so quests can give out such items also? ))
VAPus - Store item :: Random Item Stats - Creatures can drop boo - 10.00€ currently

I'm also wondering if you can add the item in a quest and make it give random stats also.
If you're using an lua script for your chest, you can use this script(next version) to give each item a chance to modify itself with a couple script changes. You may need to add this in manually for each chest, or perhaps modify the functions that add items to players to include the modification process as well. I can't give support for modification of all your scripts though, you'll need some lua knowledge if you want to do this unless I can add support for this later.

Im working on 'revision 2' of this script, it will will have cleaner code and better support for modifying items from other places besides loot. If anybody wants this script with an easier way to add the random modification chance to items besides loot, let me know and i'll upload the new version to vapus before you purchase.

Here's a simple example script that would give an emerald sword with a 10x greater chance for modification then normally. This could be a item created from a chest, npc script or where ever you want. :)
local tmpItem = doCreateItemEx(8930)
doModifyItem(tmpItem, 8930, nil, 10) -- doModifyItem(ItemUID, ItemID, position, chanceMultiplier)
doPlayerAddItemEx(cid, tmpItem, false)

I recommend this guy

Also, random fun while testing:

Turned up the stat increases up a lot, impossible to die and attack like a beast.
Thread Closed since OP stated product is not on sale anymore.
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