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    • ond
      ond reacted to iNux's post in the thread [UK][7.4] Tibiantis Online with Like Like.
      People only register 20% of the entire information the first time they read a text. It happens to me as well, I think it might be a...
    • ond
      ond reacted to Cafumbre's post in the thread [UK][7.4] Tibiantis Online with Like Like.
      I dont think it would work. You could still "pre order" items as in buying them before they are looted and standing outside the...
    • ond
      ond reacted to Handicap Ninja's post in the thread [UK][7.4] Tibiantis Online with Like Like.
      np im idiot too this conversation is based on mutual misunderstanding so id like to add: ontopic is good offtopic bad
    • ond
      ond replied to the thread [UK][7.4] Tibiantis Online.
      IDK if mods hide what I write or if you guys miss what I post on purpose, but I'm not talking about curbing this problem in an existing...
    • ond
      ond replied to the thread [UK][7.4] Tibiantis Online.
      Literally what? Maybe I just didn't understand what you wrote, but my aim was not on how to combat the black market in an existing...
    • ond
      ond replied to the thread [UK][7.4] Tibiantis Online.
      Me as well. Only thing I find boring is that the rebuttals against Kay (with exception from xKrazyx) are monotonous and not...
    • ond
      ond reacted to Kaspar's post in the thread [UK][7.4] Tibiantis Online with Like Like.
      There have been more reported posts in this thread than usual lately. Please do keep the discussion civilized—and stay on topic.
    • ond
      ond replied to the thread Loading map by sectors.
      You mean they changed seasons (snow instead of grass etc.) while the server was online and live? There is this, but not what OP is...
    • ond
      ond replied to the thread Loading map by sectors.
      Ezzz made a server to login and view the Cipsoft map. Might be experimental and not work for you, might work flawlessly, no idea...
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