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TFS 1.4.2 onMoveItem does not react?


999x era
Premium User
Dec 14, 2017
Reaction score
For some reason item can still be moved, idk why.
It worked perfect on TFS 1.5 while TFS 1.4.2 react weird.
Maybe you guys can see the problem here :D

local ids = {9999, 6000}

local ec = EventCallback

ec.onMoveItem = function(self, item, count, fromPosition, toPosition, fromCylinder, toCylinder)
    if table.contains(ids, item:getActionId()) and toPosition.x ~= CONTAINER_POSITION then
        self:sendTextMessage(MESSAGE_INFO_DESCR, 'This item can not be moved.')

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I just found something we could attribute the weird behavior on the system
The system uses pairs as the iterator to iterate through an array, it should be ipairs to fully guaranteed the order of execution.

Even if you apply the fix I mentioned? For the onMoveItem

That is a helluva catch. Now I am undecided which version I want to use, I suppose the nekiro version is still better once switched to ipairs.

The thing is this, 1.4.2 is the version we were talking about having the problem on, not nekiro's downgrade. So now I am curious what server @Xikini is using?
Both systems are pretty much the same, they use the same base (at least nekiro's).
I would definitely choose 1.5 version over 1.4.2, yep!
That is a helluva catch. Now I am undecided which version I want to use, I suppose the nekiro version is still better once switched to ipairs.

The thing is this, 1.4.2 is the version we were talking about having the problem on, not nekiro's downgrade. So now I am curious what server @Xikini is using?
Default 1.4.2
But I mean, I'm not really using it. xD
Only installed it to do the free scripting service.
My base has been modified and updated with 123 commits by Evil Punker. Now it's at 70 commits, totaling 193 that have been updated in my source. I've tested it several times and haven't noticed anything strange; everything seems to be working well. However, can someone confirm if everything is okay or not? I've tried inputting -1, -2, -3 all the way to -99999, and it has worked fine; I didn't notice anything unusual. If I don't use negative numbers, it doesn't work; it's necessary to use -1 or -3 and so on. I've attached a video for you to better understand.

If I use a strange negative number like '-1231545', is there no problem? If not, I'll feel relieved and can create other systems the way I want. Thank you!

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Just apply the fixes I mentioned or update your eventcallback.lua as Evil Hero suggested and all should be ok.

If I don't use negative numbers, it doesn't work; it's necessary to use -1 or 2- and so on
Assuming that you only have that callback and the default callback, could be possible that the callback with negative index is being executed after the default callback <index: 0> due the use of pairs instead of ipairs
Assuming that you only have that callback and the default callback, could be possible that the callback with negative index is being executed after the default callback <index: 0> due the use of pairs instead of ipairs
My TFS 1.4.3 base was updated three months ago, so everything is fine, thank God.

Regist a script as (1) works
Regist a extra script as (2) won't work
Im confused
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It's more like a fact xD

Here is the fix though (didn't look at the code until now)

Just adding EVENT_CALLBACK_ONMOVEITEM should fix the issue, the same applies for TFS 1.4.2

Tested it
Working fine so far
I will make few test to make sure its 100% working
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