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Search results

  1. miguelshta

    C++ Help trying to do GoEast & Autoloot packets

    Im trying to create some utilities using jo3bingham/TibiaAPI as reference. im trying to simulate it on python with not sucess> import socket def send_go_east_packet(client_socket): try: packet_type = bytes([0x66]) # Replace with the actual packet type...
  2. miguelshta

    Currently working on multiplataform proyect ideas please!

    have trouble with this because it allow to use controller but only in unity movements i only need to remap keyboard i think because tibia movements isnt messed with the client
  3. miguelshta

    Currently working on multiplataform proyect ideas please!

    for now i would like to make dualsense or xbox controller to work in unity client or mehah client if you can help me with that would be good
  4. miguelshta

    Currently working on multiplataform proyect ideas please!

    what if for example i create a ot with knight with firesword and backpack equipment with 1 mana potion and 1 health potion infinite but with some cooldown and remap arrows keys to controller stick and A button to F1 = health potion etc. R2- button to Attack next target action Y button to Exori...
  5. miguelshta

    Currently working on multiplataform proyect ideas please!

    thank you for the response my intention is change the game play to make a mini game removing some features like mouse game play also for the sprites i think if the proyect grows i can build o can get free for use sprites
  6. miguelshta

    Currently working on multiplataform proyect ideas please!

    # Tibia Multiplataform Based game im interesed to make a OT multiplataform ill addapt the gameplay but i wanted to know what is the best client for this proyect? i saw some unity client or edubart otclient im interesed to make the client multiplataform:[ IOS, Android, PC + Controller Support]...
  7. miguelshta

    Linux Square Color image?

    i've tried to read the memery using scanmem but i dont know the first value of current target ?:Lc
  8. miguelshta

    Linux Square Color image?

    Thank you i've cropped an image following an small fish but my image recognition script dint work propietly 1667450625 any another way to recognize current player target?
  9. miguelshta

    Linux Square Color image?

    hello im trying to create a pushmax script im currently working on image recognition i wanted to recognize Red square or green square from attack or follow then i ll use mouse move to grab de target this is for studying pruporses what i need is: -Clean Red Square image png or Clean Green Square...
  10. miguelshta

    python check OTS folder information

  11. miguelshta

    python check OTS folder information

    Hello im trying to make a python code to automate my report i check my OTS folder every 7-15 days for space etc+ i always run a command to extract all files info and i paste it in a excel sheet but it takes time and i wanted to automate this so im trying to create table to find files information...
  12. miguelshta

    talkaction mana train tfs 0.4

    nao abandone tudo
  13. miguelshta

    Windows Tibia 12 packets sniff

    im trying to use it i got inject susefully but the dll cant get the offsets maybe outdated?
  14. miguelshta

    Windows Tibia 12 packets sniff

    Hello , In the old times of tibia 10 we can use wpe pro to scan and send packets like walking movements or dropping items nowdays in tibia 12 this is impossible? I’m wrong ? I’ve tried using linux and tcpdump to dump tibia packets like movement and tcpreplay but nothing works. So I’m here...
  15. miguelshta

    Spell Rune damange by level

    Hello, how i can set up this spell rune to give damage by level example: Level 1 ~ 100 damage =1 ~ 110 Level 101 ~ 250 damage = 200 ~ 350 local config = { combat = COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE, distanceEffect = 25, rounds = 6, delay = 150, firstEffect = 38, secondEffect = 41 }...
  16. miguelshta

    PHP java script help auto click on button

    hello this is not tibia related but i want help from here i really know very good programes here only so ill explain my objetive in here i need to click an button "Eliminar" to delete lines one by one because i need to keep some lines in specific im trying to do a javascript for tampermonkey; if...
  17. miguelshta

    RevScripts help converting rune to last tfs 1.3 revs

    how to use it as a rune?
  18. miguelshta

    RevScripts help converting rune to last tfs 1.3 revs

    local combat1 = createCombatObject() setCombatParam(combat1, COMBAT_PARAM_TYPE, COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE) setCombatParam(combat1, COMBAT_PARAM_EFFECT, 10) setCombatParam(combat1, COMBAT_PARAM_DISTANCEEFFECT, 4) setCombatFormula(combat1, COMBAT_FORMULA_LEVELMAGIC, -10.1, -99, -10.5, -98) local combat2 =...