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Search results

  1. N

    [Spell] Percentage

    function onCastSpell(cid, var) local Itemid = 12531 local Charge = 1 local PorcentOFWin = 75 if(math.random(1, 100) >= PorcentOFWin) then doPlayerAddItem(cid, Itemid, Charge) doSendMagicEffect(getPlayerPosition(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED) else doPlayerSendCancel(cid, "Sorry, you...
  2. N

    [Spell] Percentage

    A spell with 25% to create x item and 75% to fail. Can someone help? I'm newbie. :w00t:
  3. N

    Turn to wolf

    Would be cool if the spell remove all the Wolfs in an area and then transform the player into a werewolf. ^_^