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Search results

  1. N

    Windows Remere's Map Editor proble

    They are.
  2. N

    Windows Remere's Map Editor proble

    Hi. I have a problem. I'm working on a Evolution map and it's going pretty good. I have one problem. When I have the Evolution Map on in the RME I can't open a new map window. But I can open two other, blank maps. Is it the Evolution which is the problem or what? HELP!
  3. N

    Mapper Looking For Mapper

    Is a it a RL-Map?
  4. N

    New Thread GM Equardo Mapping`s

    I honestly think it's terrible.
  5. N

    Evolura | Evolution Project | In Progress

    I know what it is. But coundle figure out what w wrote hehe.
  6. N

    Evolura | Evolution Project | In Progress

    What's CTF and TDM? I bet you do. But just wait for the launch and you will rethink the answer.
  7. N

    Evolura | Evolution Project | In Progress

    Hi, fellow OtLanders and gamers Evolura This summer, probaby in a few weeks we will launch the most popular Evolution Server ever. I you're wondering, "noob" or something. But Evolura is the new Revolution of the Evolution servers. The idea behind this huge project is to have a server with...
  8. N

    EVORA - The birth of a new project

    I don't like Rookgaards. For me it's just wast of time. But hey, that's me.