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Search results

  1. C

    Need help with SQL command

    I am very new to SQL. Yet I have not started to use it but it is needed for my study & I will start to work with it as soon as possible. Please let me something more about SQL.
  2. C

    Anyone here got his own graffiti tag?

    Ow, really nice. I have seen your tag & really like it very much. I have no tag like this..
  3. C

    The anything/everything thread!

    Great initiative. I like it very very much. Ow, my answer of your question is not like yours. hahahaha.. I don't fear to death as much as you...
  4. C

    ~~Destroy Any Website You Want~~

    hahahaha...I have tried with Firefox. It says that " Firefox doesn't know how to open it". Very interesting..