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Search results

  1. H

    [8.54] Bog Raiders, Demons, Nightmares from Vexoria.net

    On which coordinates should I look for terrain?
  2. H

    [8.54] Bog Raiders, Demons, Nightmares from Vexoria.net

    Can someone reupdate that file? Old link just expired.
  3. H

    Isle of Quel'Endan (Project).

    Well. It's true. But only to a point. I came here to improve, to hear what people have to say about my works. To get similar with other mappers, learn something new/interesting.
  4. H

    Isle of Quel'Endan (Project).

    2-3 hours of working only to hear, that the map is "alright" - which I already know. I was counting on some justified criticism.
  5. H

    Isle of Quel'Endan (Project).

    Im disappointed.
  6. H

    Nismo's mapping corner

    Let's be honest. It's nothing.
  7. H

    Isle of Quel'Endan (Project).

    High Elves. The high elves were once a significant force on the continent, but in recent times their numbers have been dramatically reduced, 90% of their race was slaughtered in the Third War. Following this, another 90% of the survivors changed their name to "blood elves" in remembrance of...