• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

Search results

  1. 2

    Compiling Cannot compile under MVS 2012 HELP!!!

    I get this error when i compile trunk 5801: >------ Rebuild All started: Project: tfs (Visual Studio 2010), Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 1> otpch.cpp 1> actions.cpp 1> admin.cpp 1> allocator.cpp 1> baseevents.cpp 1> beds.cpp 1> chat.cpp 1> combat.cpp 1> condition.cpp...
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    I need help with two things: 1. Compiling a trunk i already have to 9.81 2. Helping with actions,NPC and Monsters for 9.81 For both of them i will pey what is necesary for the job. PM me if you are willing to and how much will you charge.
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    Team Need team rl 9.80

    Searching for a team to administarte the server. Required members: Mapper Programmer(c++) GameMaste-GOD Web Designer PD: Had a server previouslty on 8.6 got 110$ in 2 weeks i am paying all members exept Gamemaster to help build the server and special recongnision inside the server.
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    Explorers Society

    It is needed to be a member of the Explorers Society to start in Service Of Yalahar to be able to open the gates around yalahar You should add beign novice for Every member or make the quest work
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    Explorers Society

    I cant seem to join the Explorers Society I talk to Mortimer and To angus and say all the possible words including Join to Enter the Explorers Society But none of them works Please Gm fix it
  6. 2

    Compiling TFS 0.4 Errors

    Help i´ve been stucked with this for days. I just donated to download TFS 0.4 but when i copile i get this errors Compiler: Default compiler Building Makefile: "C:\Users\Martin\Desktop\trunk.r5670\dev-cpp\Makefile.win" Executing make... make.exe -f...