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Search results

  1. S

    My softcores your twinforce

    I would like to trade my items/chars on softcores for your items/chars in twinforce i got lots of chars 100+ and i got about 10kk cash + donator items so if ur interested leave me a msg here
  2. S

    Trade soft cores for twin force

    I would like to trade my items on soft cores for your items on twinforce i could also trade chars i got lots of chars. such has 160ek 140ek(all addons full),100 ed 100 ms extra lots more ;p and 10kk cash i think some donator items. so if you would like to trade leave a msg here
  3. S

    Selling Thunder Hammer and Morgaroth's Heart

    Selling Thunder Hammer: btw was first looted in server about 7 months ago Morgaroth's Heart[x2]
  4. S

    @Thunder Hammer o.o

    Gz Julera team killing Morgaroth and looting a thunder hammer Sorry to the people who died, Deadshot The Golden Boner Zieo, on his pally
  5. S

    Just a goodbye thread

    Hey bro it was fun playing with you. If ur ever on julera hit me up with a msg or a letter. /trey
  6. S

    ''DA & Allies''

    ^ yea we dont leave pz that is why we are all lvling each day and argor is top?
  7. S

    makt team owned

    i am postin this because you guys always brag and no we will not show cam because thisisot and dosent matter. but we owned you 7v7 about killed a lvl 200+ and we were not 150+ lol and last night owned you guys to and killed a lvl 200+ Thanks, Once agean this dosent matter theys frags are...
  8. S

    Makt team owned

    double post
  9. S

    @ Deaths by Makt.

    I think it is funny how you guys always postcams when you win but we dont when we win because it dont matter to us like earlyer today we owned your hole team it was 7v7 we killed all even the lvl 200 uaushsauashu and no one in our team was 150+
  10. S

    ''DA & Allies''

    We will go OB any time if our main team is on if there not on then Screw it.
  11. S

    ''DA & Allies''

    Lol you guys only asked us once and we wre gunna come but our members were getting atked and then sever crashed
  12. S

    ''DA & Allies''

    We have been asking for a OB for a long time just msg a vice leader and we will have it arranged
  13. S

    Why Server goin off or Someone crashs ?

    but Krigaren you would Hack some one? thats even lower Edit: changed because empty posted befor me
  14. S


    That was vary low to hack Embermane and more then that i thought me and you were friends and you thieved all the items from my house. Its a ot and u have to go so low as to hack some one. And no i am not Embermane but i still think it is so low you would hack a char on a ot. And steal...
  15. S

    About me

    Ummm i rember you only beating our team in 1 open and that was because my team wasent on it was only 2 us and then fear and heat. You got owned by Demonic Alliance. ktxbye
  16. S

    ~ Level 200 ~

    Gz bro. Gogogo 300? Btw so whats happing with the war? your guild backstabed us rofl msg me in game bro <3
  17. S

    Demonic Alliance,Fear,Heat

    We own we broke 3 traps, goul trap 2 times and 3rd ank spawn 1s aushsaushu houndish is the worst pvp i have ever seen. Btw if you need vent info msg any vice leaders of Demonic Alliance Lets go open Yuu? /Trey
  18. S

    Retired forever cuz i is bad.

    Bro it was good meeting you i hope that you really dident quit bro ill miss you if you want my msn hook me up with ur msn here or a msg in game.Hope to talk to you soon in vent or on game