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Search results

  1. S

    Low performance on Tibia W7 64 Bits.

    Hey guys, so last week I had to erase my HDD and went from WINDOWS 8.1 to Windows 7, then I started doing normal things I used to do like play League of Legends(130FPS all High) or Counter Strike:GO(250-270fps all low-medium) BUT the only thing that has been acting weird is tibia, how is suppose...
  2. S

    Windows Getting debug on IPCHANGER

    Good morning everyone, so I played Tibia yesterday like I usually do, went to sleep and when I wake up today to play, I open IPCHANGER as usual, click on apply to open Tibia client with ip Hexura.net and it says this: (I will try to translate) Exception not hanlded in the application. If you...
  3. S

    Normal day in Hives..

    So sad.. this server everyday dissapoints me more..
  4. S

    Normal day in Hives..

    Just a normal day in Hives, you know ppl blocking caves and GM's doing nothing than ... nothing
  5. S

    Issue with the blessings

    Good morning, i need to know what happened with my blessings.. So yesterday I was getting pked and suddenly they killed me.. I was like k its just a death who cares... But then I just dropped my backpack and I was like wtf? I really dont care about the other one things I had like assasins pots...
  6. S

    Tired of the PA and Blocking Caves..

    I mean what the actual F with this OT system? Im an 2012 Old player of this server and i've never seen this kind of acts.. like 7 ppl blocking Hives? You report them and the next day they do the same? F off man.. Where are the "MODS" "ADMIN" or "GODS"? http://prntscr.com/3r0nj8