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  1. B


    you guys are really noobish if you think their is no bots for the test server, NG dosent have a working test server version but some other bots did make it.
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    Suxx at Evry Point.

    go and read rl tibia rules again, cause GM have the right to ban people there for random mass pking, its called destructive behavior you nab in the head.
  3. B

    Suxx at Evry Point.

    i got pked 3x before i got from thais temple to dp
  4. B

    Banning System

    macros and heal/war bots should lead to 2day bans and then deletion if caught again. while anyone caught cavebotting should be automatically deleted on the spot.
  5. B

    Please welcome our three new gamemasters!

    lets hope they wont go corrupt and ban only their enemys and not their own team ;)
  6. B

    Vocation balance.

    a lvl 230 rp should be able to solo a 5 mage team of 150+? wow shows how fucken retarded you are
  7. B

    Vocation balance.

    hi retarded paladin, since when the fuk are paladins supposed to have more fire power in pvp then mages? since when are paladins are supposed to be able to solo 3-5 person mage teams? the answer is they should not be able to but they are here, because its fuken unbalanced, people just need to...
  8. B

    Vocation balance.

    then you must be pvp challanged if you are unable to press 2 hotkeys at the same time <_<
  9. B

    Vocation balance.

    what makes RP's even more over powered is the fact mages can not use mana's and atk same time while rps got the mas san spaming while still healing.
  10. B

    Today's big thais-ab battle (Exitium vs Masterplan)

    your either retarded, or one of those gay paladyns that dosnet want his overpowered bull shit taken away since you don't know how to play a mage to pvp with as it should be.
  11. B

    Vocation balance.

    we did but its called mas san that does like almsot 200 pvp at only lvl 130, paladins here are just to rediculous, anyone with good pvp on a paladin is 3x more powerfull then on a mage.
  12. B

    Today's big thais-ab battle (Exitium vs Masterplan)

    If this cam will not prove how unbalanced vocatiosn are here then nothign will, for a paladin to be able to solo 1 person after another and then kill 2 ppl while being traped by like 6-7. Mas san and assasin star damage need to be reduced by a minimum of 50% other wise I really do not see...
  13. B

    Vocation balance.

    Agree, Paly's here are way to over powered, their mas san hits to high since they can just spam it at mine's getting super easy exp, while their assasins stars are just fuken retard, me and my friend both lvl 100 mages where unable to kill a lvl 133rp pk because our sd's dont do enough damage...