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Search results

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    NPC script

    Hello, I need a script on npc which will teleport players to the chosen island. I want npc to be able to handle several people at once, so that the player can not block npc.
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    Change OTB version

    Hi, how to change the versions of the items.otb file? I had before in version 17 and now some string of strange numbers. The problem is that now in RME after saving the map it can not be launched later because it does not detect the otb file. If can not change the version of otb, at least to...
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    NPC TP

    I need random teleport to one of three places. Like: doTeleportThing (x=0, y=1, z=2) or (x=3, y=4, z=5) or (x=6, y=7, z=8). But its not working with or
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    NPC TP

    Hello, I need a script in which npc after receiving the item, teleports the player randomly to one of three places. Thanks.
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    TFS 0.X Teleporting after a few seconds

    Thanks guys !
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    TFS 0.X Teleporting after a few seconds

    I need to use the object for another item and then teleport the player.
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    TFS 0.X Teleporting after a few seconds

    Hey, I am looking for a script that teleports a player after a few seconds after using an item about id xxx on an item about id xxx. Did anyone meet with something like that? Greetings.
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    Script Elfbot

    Hi, I need help in making an elfbot script. It's about pokemon ots. I need a script that when a monster with a specific name disappears from the screen, it will click on the item in the boots slot. Unless you know some other revive scripts. I could not create anything despite my efforts.
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    Source Pokemon OTS PL

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    Website for ots

    Szukam kogoś kto zrobi mi stronę internetową i forum do pokemon ots. PW I'm looking for someone who will make me a website and forum for pokemon ots. PW
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