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Search results

  1. K

    Sea Serpents !!!!

    there are sea serpents at ferumbras tower the hard part is, to find it =) may the force be with you,young luke skywalker
  2. K

    NEW! PoI (Pits of Inferno Quest) January 20th. 2009.

    it will be totaly caotic in there if u got a cleaning team on 40 ppl, unless u got someone whos mwalling the noobs while cleaning team is cleaning... there will be ppl running in front of the blockers..this will be fun to see. sign me in as shooter Jihad 80 ms fix a swedish/english...
  3. K

    Pits Of Inferno Quest - Day 10/01/2009

    Guys are u stupid or are u just pretending to be? .all 50 wont be down cleaning, are u stupid?.. but there is room for 50 ppl to join and do it with us.. it dosent means taht all 50 will do it.. we have just putted up different classes taht u can join, so it will be easiyer for us later...
  4. K

    Need more players for poi

    HI, i would like to do POI, its me and some others m8s we are about 3-6st, and we are looking for a group. Or we can just do our own, but we need blockers,healers, shooters, Etc. Etc. contact me in game if u would like to join or if u got any specific date when ur going. Urs // Sword swinger