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Search results

  1. B

    World trading my softcores your thunderfalls!!!

    i got a house, millions of gps, nice acc, ect reply to this forum if your intrested!
  2. B


    My stuff in softcores for yours in thunderfall :d i have a house, millions of gp, good acc ect reply on forum for offers
  3. B

    Wtf plz read!!!

    house for sale post your offers highest wins :D
  4. B


    (miss veronna) i will give you 1.5kk straight cash for that spell book, instead of u drawing it off for 1kk(when im unbanned tomorrow)
  5. B

    Wtf gm read

    damn i tried
  6. B

    Wtf gm read

    it was maybe 4-5 minutes, and there is no rules saying that you cant be idle from the game for more then 15 minutes anyways, the only rules that involves 15+ minute afk is saynig spells/training while afk
  7. B

    [poll] So what about the LITTLE bit faster atk

    hey retard paladins hit much less then knights do u fucking moron LMFAO dont use that excuse,and knights hit hard with explo/exori hur so stfu paladins<knights why r people complaining about knights seriously them hit fucking 700 sometimes in pvp what do paladins hit ? shit
  8. B

    Wtf gm read

  9. B

    Wtf gm read

    no its bullshit i get banned for no good reason
  10. B

    Wtf gm read

    how acome i got banned for afking in dp that is insane lol? Banned until feb. 02 because of afking Gm Vanderly wtF?
  11. B

    Faster Atk for knights?

    Heres where i snap...hooligans.. first of all my fucking paladin lvl 135 dist 115 hits less then a fucking 100 knight with 80-90 axe/sword who the fuck are you to tell softcores they need to hit higher do you see your fucking damages 600~ sometimes on pvp with a fucking 110 ek are you serious...
  12. B

    Guestion or Suggestion :D

    ya but mages bot in ancient scarabs(safely), knights bot in hydras(safely)? look at the exp difference ^^