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Search results

  1. Z

    How can I let knights hit harder with melee?

    <vocation id="8" name="Elite Knight" description="an elite knight" needpremium="1" gaincap="25" gainhp="15" gainmana="5" gainhpticks="2" gainhpamount="100" gainmanaticks="3" gainmanaamount="30" manamultiplier="3.0" attackspeed="2000" soulmax="200" gainsoulticks="15" fromvoc="4" lessloss="30">...
  2. Z

    Selling My char (zuper)

    So As the title says Im selling my char Zuper 726 ED ml 120 withouth clothes It has a sh*tload of items and is has like 1,5 bp full of crystall coins. Im just accepting rl money, so instead of wasting ur money on xp scrolls or other donation stuff u could just buy this pretty nice char...
  3. Z

    Addon bugs.

    Hmmm, Guess I found a pretty important bug atleast for myself xD. Well I collected all the stuff for SUMMONER addon, so I went to edron at mana potion shop where u are supposed to get wand for the summoner addon (as a female) so I gave all the stuff to the Npc and when I went to set my outfit...