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Search results

  1. Zorkinark

    [8.5] UE/World of Zoria map [+Actions]

    Hey, I can't load this map on RME 1.1.8, and 1.1.9 also. Can anyone help me ? On 1.1.8 it loads with no errors, but there is no map, and on 1.1.9 it asks me to locate the monsters.xml and npc.xml, but there is NO npc.xml file. What can I do ? Help please !
  2. Zorkinark

    Tibia Global Map, Your Opinion

    I don't like the Global map, it's so big and confused.
  3. Zorkinark

    [Suggestion] Server.

    I will sure try that server out since I am an admirer of Talaturen ^^, Thanks jonny