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Search results

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    [Sweden] Lightonia 8.6 - One of the few serious Real Tibia Maps. Starts 1st Feburary 2014 16:00 PM

    New Venore rocks.. Stable and nice ot, most important is that they actually care about suggestions and work day and night to improve server
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    [Sweden] Lightonia 8.6 - One of the few serious Real Tibia Maps. Starts 1st Feburary 2014 16:00 PM

    Great server I enjoy playing it .. try it out :) I like the way they're updating it constantly, fixing stuff and balancing it more and more .. keeps the challenge up. @ingame Celavi Saban Jede Burek
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    [SWEDEN] Trivera.eu - Real-Map 8.6 - Starting 10th November 2012!

    may someone get me map of gengia/pyre/oken ~ used in this ot i mean who created those places they're updated. I ask because I'd like to see spawns ~
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    Windows Gesior Deathlist

    anyone know how to fix this :D?