• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

Search results

  1. reherius

    Problem z RME

    Wielkie dzięki pomogło :)
  2. reherius

    Problem z RME

    Witam, pisze w takiej sprawie gdyż mam problem z RME, strasznie sie zacina i nie płynnie chodzi tzn mam taki problem od kiedy zmienilem system operacyjny na Windows 7 swoją drogą mam 5 gb ramu wiec chyba nie powinno byc takiego problemu. Jest w stanie ktos pomóc?
  3. reherius

    RPG Monsters

    I love your theard! More RPG monsters ! :peace:
  4. reherius

    Request maps you need here!

    I would like to have Vanilla Map 8.5 anyone have?
  5. reherius

    [8.4][Download] Vorghar Mines

    Very nice, i will use it on my server.
  6. reherius

    Team [8.4+] New OTS, Searching Team, only Very Involved People, CLICK FOR DETAILS

    Hello People, me and my RL friend, are searching for team to New Server, We are having fun with OTS for past 3 years, we had many times to run our own, but it was stopped after few weeks. Now we are going to make a serious OTS, developed all the time, and beeing very close with our community...