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Search results

  1. A

    [France] Tibianic | Costum 7.4 Client | Starts 29th July 2011

    Please hoodnasty, go back to botting in the usa and leave the rest alone. Kthxbye
  2. A

    [Germany] OriginalTibia.com - 7.4 RLMAP - ONLINE

    HAHA HOODNASTY, ur actually quite funny "WHy would i bot i have 288 on real tibia!" Bet you botted that char aswell mr neo :( anyways during your nice lil time on original tibia you had like 6 Sd makers? that made sds around the clock. I remember one of them being the character named...
  3. A

    [Germany] OriginalTibia.com - 7.4 RLMAP - ONLINE

    No wonder you got hacked when you download a bot, make 100000 sds get some xp and brag about it. Gee i really wonder how they got ur information. :S