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Search results

  1. Sensor

    Windows Help acc;/

    przy ustalaniu hasla dla dmina wyskakuje mi taki błąd : Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'name' in 'field list'' in C:\xampp\htdocs\pot\OTS_Account.php:229 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\pot\OTS_Account.php(229)...
  2. Sensor

    TalkAction Addon Dolls!

    this script doesn't work i have tfs 0.2.0 [8.42] help me plz , but plz fast msg here !:(
  3. Sensor

    Windows I have a problem

  4. Sensor

    [8.41/42] The Forgotten Server 0.3.4PL2 (Crying Damson)

    why i have error in console qui:blink: Help me now!
  5. Sensor

    [8.41/42] The Forgotten Server 0.3.4PL2 (Crying Damson)

    help I have a problem on your tfs how I am throwing for rl map for it is me mistakes are jumping out on the engine <_<
  6. Sensor

    Windows I have a problem

    Help! <<<Refrysch>>>
  7. Sensor

    Windows I have a problem

    help <<<Refrysch>>>
  8. Sensor

    Windows I have a problem

    help this way they are npc in the right place, but I don't know what he isn't reading them for me for :blink: HELP ME
  9. Sensor

    Windows I have a problem

    help <<<Refresch>>>
  10. Sensor

    Windows I have a problem

    I have problem with tfs 0.3.4 i have got errors He cant load npcs But when i load this in tfs 0.2.0 they working normal :\ Can anyone help me ?:( I'm form poland so i sorry for my bad enlgish :)