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Search results

  1. M

    @ Iutrin is retired. :p

    Goder afton
  2. M

    @ Iutrin is retired. :p

  3. M

    Masslog + big battle in ank

    Does some1 here understand what berylia is gaggling about? "only becouse gazhbaran attack" has ghazbaran spawned? Where what when how WHAT? WTF? /Max
  4. M

    Masslog + big battle in ank

    Berylia sorry but i cant understand your writing you said something about me buying exp scrolls? Well atleast i can donate since i went to school and got a proper education and from there i got a job.You did not go to school maybe that is why u write like a mongol. And i'm sure you would have...
  5. M

    Masslog + big battle in ank

    Fuck Berylia, fuck razino, Fuck polacks, fuck Brs, fuck everyone who's playing eks. Berylias team sucks Dick every1 knows u guys got zero pvp whatsoever allow wasting time playing a ek on this ot. And allow you guys coming with 20 eks against 4-5 mages Whats the point? You guys are Clowns...
  6. M

    Retards Danger Mortals

    Whats the meaning with this thread like wtf? it just shows how retarded you are
  7. M

    Selling my accounts

    Dunno why the last post got delited Anyway Selling my accounts on softcores Don wuang lvl 353 highest mlvl Char 1 Lvl 251 ED Char 2 Lvl 245 ED Char 3 lvl 205 ED char 4 lvl 200 MS + like 10 lvl 150~ that u can have. Got About 50+ kk, 10 soft boots, 7 spellbooks, i also got...
  8. M

    Corrupt Since?

    Just wanna know how long ur server has been corrupted. just talking about What happend tonight in thais depo. Steal was showing his eq of on the depo desk and some kids decided to trow shit on it,steal gets all nervous and when he does not manage to get his eq back, he starts talking about that...