• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

Search results

  1. X

    [Poland] Xarozia.com RL Map 8.5 ||| Start on Friday at 20:00 ||| Over 500 Characters!

    We had problems today at night, but now it works perfect.
  2. X

    [Poland] Xarozia.com RL Map 8.5 ||| Start on Friday at 20:00 ||| Over 500 Characters!

    Another forum troll, u posted it just to gain posts. gl with posts tho. @ edit. Website is not working for now, but server gonna start at 20:00 !
  3. X

    [Poland] Xarozia.com RL Map 8.5 ||| Start on Friday at 20:00 ||| Over 500 Characters!

    nope it wasn't named xaoria :P Website may not work before start around 19:30, but server will be online at 20:00 :) Enjoy !
  4. X

    [Poland] Xarozia.com RL Map 8.5 ||| Start on Friday at 20:00 ||| Over 500 Characters!

    Hello, I hope You will try this OT Hehe. BUMP MAAAN !
  5. X

    [Poland] Xarozia.com RL Map 8.5 ||| Start on Friday at 20:00 ||| Over 500 Characters!

    Hello, I hope You will try this OT :) Hehe. BUMP MAAAN !
  6. X

    [Poland] Xarozia.com RL Map 8.5 ||| Start on Friday at 20:00 ||| Over 500 Characters!

    Hello ! I'm here to tell You about Server, if You don't like it leave it. Don't Post ! After few Months Server offline, I want to put it back Online ! SERVER IS GONNA BE ONLINE ON FRIDAY AT 20:00 PM CET ! THERE IS RL SYSTEM DAMAGE & HEALING ! ! CLICK HERE TO CREATE ACCOUNT ...