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Search results

  1. Kokser

    [Germany] 7.4 Realmap DEDICATED!

    I won't play because of third reset :). I prefer it for you all too.
  2. Kokser

    [Germany] 7.4 Realmap DEDICATED!

    No i won't back real servers, because i hate new tibia^^
  3. Kokser

    [Germany] 7.4 Realmap DEDICATED!

    I will play if there won't by any reset, if will, im quit.
  4. Kokser

    [Germany] 7.4 Realmap DEDICATED!

    Original you should tell us where you got problem, maybe we (forum users) could help you?
  5. Kokser

    [Germany] 7.4 Realmap DEDICATED!

    Doesn't matter
  6. Kokser

    [Germany] 7.4 Realmap DEDICATED!

    I think server won't come up ^.-
  7. Kokser

    [Germany] 7.4 Realmap DEDICATED!

    Nylon should tell us how long it would take! LIKE -DAYS TO -DAYS. Rotfl
  8. Kokser

    [Germany] 7.4 Realmap DEDICATED!

    Nylon won't reply us? If there will be reset i won't play anymore tibia xD
  9. Kokser

    [Germany] 7.4 Realmap DEDICATED!

    Ya, so now will be ofline like ten days
  10. Kokser

    [Germany] 7.4 Realmap DEDICATED!

    So what now? We know 0 -.-, I want to play
  11. Kokser

    [Germany] 7.4 Realmap DEDICATED!

    Something is fucked up
  12. Kokser

    [Germany] 7.4 Realmap DEDICATED!

    It would be good if you end it today
  13. Kokser

    [Germany] 7.4 Realmap DEDICATED!

    When its coming up? Its offline like 24 hours now... Its not "soon"