• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

Search results

  1. LordMetalGear

    Team Making a Good Naruto OTS

    Tired of playing a Naruto game and having to deal with poor management when it comes to stuff? OR playing a game where you do not speak the language of all the other players? OR Feel like there are not enough good classes to play on good Naruto OTS? OR You have some data for naruto ots that you...
  2. LordMetalGear

    Buying Lv 100+ EK

    looking for an EK LV 100+ with mini 80/80 skills not in clubbing on a open pvp server.
  3. LordMetalGear

    {Sweden} - {GameFate} - {8.60} - {Evolution} OPENING 2012-07-31 18:40- {PvP Enforce}

    I made an acc, well not only was I the only person on for hours but I was trapped in temple cause of a pirate raid.......
  4. LordMetalGear

    [Sweden] Naruto Of Ninja best server of Naruto !

    this server is very bad it doenst even have a site
  5. LordMetalGear

    [Sweden] Naruto Of Ninja best server of Naruto !

    server does not even work....
  6. LordMetalGear

    [Sweden] Naruto Of Ninja best server of Naruto !

    site is not working i want to play
  7. LordMetalGear

    [Poland] Naruto Story CUSTOM CLIENT

    Brad is being a troll, just play it its very fun if you need help message me for my in game name, but if your not PL you will get killed been playing for 4 days been PKed about three times for being American.
  8. LordMetalGear

    [Poland] Naruto Story CUSTOM CLIENT

    Um....ive played this and it is really fun and worth playing. Try it for yourself and see how fun it really is, they ahve no idea what they are talking about.
  9. LordMetalGear

    Gamemaster Looking for work

    I have a lotta of good ideas for one, my main scripter is being an annoying @ss F@g if you wanna help send me a private.
  10. LordMetalGear

    Graphic Designer Needing Any Spriter!

    Needing a spiter, I will pay you a reasonable amount but to see how good you are I will give you 4 samples to do if my team likes them you are hired. I won't pay you all at the end so you do not think your being scammed but I will not pay at the beginning so I am not scammed. You will be paid...
  11. LordMetalGear

    Graphic Designer Need Sprites For......

    LMAO still replying to this, so very sad. My server is close to done
  12. LordMetalGear

    Graphic Designer Need Sprites For......

    lmao, your telling me to grow up and that i am a child, yet you cant stop replying to this show you have 0 life. Well ty for destroying my thread, btw harry potter ots BLOW!
  13. LordMetalGear

    Graphic Designer Need Sprites For......

    DUDE! Seriously go the fuck away!
  14. LordMetalGear

    Graphic Designer Need Sprites For......

    he has no life
  15. LordMetalGear

    Graphic Designer Need Sprites For......

    lmao retard how am i shady? you dont fucking know me, your stupid you come here start making accusations when you have no idea who i am get a life dude you trolling lilttle kid
  16. LordMetalGear

    Team Needing Good Sprites offering Staff job.

    I need someone who is good at making sprites, i need some for a naruto ot. I really just need sprites for npc and vocs, it ok if you know nothing about naruto i can help you by telling you what i want. Ill need a few samples, if they are good you will be apart of the team. Any questions just...
  17. LordMetalGear

    Graphic Designer Need Sprites For......

    Dude can you both take this somewhere else please i really need help!
  18. LordMetalGear

    Graphic Designer Need Sprites For......

    Lol ty Zorenia, omg i clearly need help with my server. Only one person is willing to help, so im loosing a lot more then you think if i dont get my help.
  19. LordMetalGear

    Graphic Designer Need Sprites For......

    If i tried scamming him, how could i get more? not worth loosing the only person who can help me, clearly you can't do anything so why even try and be cool, A.k.A (Annoying Troller little kid)
  20. LordMetalGear

    Graphic Designer Need Sprites For......

    No shit, just because there greedy as shit does not mean i am. I can already tell does that tosuxo do that or why bring it up? I'm not going to pay someone i do not know for something when i havent seen how good he is. Kana send a private message