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Search results

  1. P

    absorbPercent in ConditionParam ?

    if you can do absorbPercent in CONDITION ?? local combats = createConditionObject(CONDITION_ATTRIBUTES) setConditionParam(combats, CONDITION_PARAM_TICKS, -1) setConditionParam(combats, CONDITION_PARAM_STAT_ ?? absorbPercent.. , 10) --10% absorb
  2. P

    Lua Function doSaveHouse(houseId)

    no problem ;)
  3. P

    Lua Function doSaveHouse(houseId)

    yes code from 0.4 + small fixes for errors appearing in INSERT to db. i have 2 account ?
  4. P

    Lua Function doSaveHouse(houseId)

    reworked the script for my needs may be useful to someone :) test on 0.3.4 tfs (only useHouseDataStorage = "no" / false ;work only save house to MySQL ) luascript.h: static int32_t luaDoSaveHouse(lua_State* L); luascript.cpp: //doSaveHouse({list}) lua_register(m_luaState...
  5. P

    doPlayerLook(cid, uid) Possible?

    Hi, if is it possible to write functions eg. doPlayerLook(cid, uid) which enforces clicking on the object / another player and shows information about it. (instead of clicking on the menu) ?
  6. P

    [C++] addStorageValue(key, value)

    hello, I found another way with using boost: who is more efficient? // thanks for your help, the examples also work!
  7. P

    [C++] addStorageValue(key, value)

    you could write how to do it?
  8. P

    [C++] addStorageValue(key, value)

    hello, I want the player after receiving the experience to save time in storage (addStorageValue(key, value)) uint32_t key = 41757; std::string value; value = time/1000; attackerPlayer->addStorageValue(key, value.c_str()); not save digits, only letters (ex: S) .. what I did wrong?:(
  9. P

    Writing in two colors as npc

    dump ?
  10. P

    Writing in two colors as npc

    hello, is there the possibility that using such doPlayerSendTextMessage (example) text could be a two-color as in the case of writing at NPC NPC: normal color others color normal color example: doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, 19, 'text text {text2} text') possible? or difficult to write in c++?
  11. P

    NPC teleport without confirmation?

    Hello, is it possible to not have to confirm (yes or no) at the NPC when you want to teleport to an island?
  12. P

    warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions (help)

    Hi, I wrote this little code, and when compiling an error occurs... Player* playerNow = getPlayer(); uint32_t storageId = g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::PLAYER_BATTLE_STORAGE); std::string value; std::string value2...
  13. P

    Talk with NPC (Only one player)

    whether it is possible set to a specific NPC can talk to only one person?
  14. P

    Lua Function doPlayerCastSpell(cid, spell)

    does not work with creature ;/ shows nothing, no errors
  15. P

    Additional option in the menu

    hello, I found a customer, which someone added an extra option in the menu (when you click on the player). How to do it?
  16. P

    RSA Key or Version change (custom client)

    Hi, is there a way to change the client version by HEX? (ex: 8.41 to 1.20) Or how to change the RSA key is some generator?
  17. P

    Logi TFS (LINUX)

    Siema, jak włączyć te logi na linuxie co sie zapisują przy każdym wlaczaniu serwera na windzie zapisywalo mi sie w 'data\logs\server' a na debianie nic nie ma? Tak kompiluje serwer ./autogen.sh && ./configure --enable-mysql --enable-server-diag && make dobra jak ktos potrzebuje
  18. P

    MySQL - MyISAM / InnoDB

    Siema, kilka razy przenosilem baze na inne serwery i nie zauwazylem ze po pozmieniały mi sie typy tabel w oryginale schema.mysql kazda baza ma TYP: InnoDB, u mnie zas jest roznie np accounts - MyISAM, bans - InnoDB nie wiem czy szkodzi to serwerowi/mysql szybkosc odczytu czy cos. Czasem...