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Search results

  1. M

    Please Pet System Evolution 8.57

    Features: •Pet hp and mana depends on your level. •You can summon or take out your pet. •You can make your pet talk •If your pet die, or you die, you need to pay to revive it. It happens JUST if the pet die or you die (not when logout, etc) •Pets can use spells, under the control of the...
  2. M

    Please help Addon Wayfarer

    it's all right with my server is that the addons outfit Wayfarer do not want to work, all the other work under the outifits it. help me put the full addon wayfarer
  3. M

    Please help Addon Wayfarer

    My server is 8.60 he has a new outfit Wayfarer addons but it does not work how do I put the addons one and two of them (Wayfarer)? :(
  4. M

    Help Please

    I need a script to do the following I have a server with war Teams of red, black and white but I wanted to balance them with a limit of people on each team example so you can get 10 people for each team is to do this for me? I'll post the script for the team black
  5. M

    Help Account manager

    Help type I want to put in hra to create the acc manager put you in choosing your vocation promotion example ta you create your character name: Test male vocation: druid, sorc, pally or kina Instead I wanted elder druid, sorcerer master, elite knight, royal paladin Give as you...
  6. M

    [B]help my spell vip[/B]

    Error (luaDoPlayerSendCancel) Player not found
  7. M

    [B]help my spell vip[/B]

    my magic vip not want to run, the error is in the blue part, can someone arranges it for me?
  8. M

    Help my database

    erro in my database help me