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Search results

  1. P

    [League of Legends] General Discussion

    Hello my name in game its last layon - europe my last game irelia :P
  2. P

    Team Pokemon Legend

    Xafterin long ago and I decided to do a project but for reasons we could not ablate almost, we could not go, now the project was revived and better than ever ... ♫ The project is a Pokemon Dungeon style, where you are the pokemon. ♫ You'll have the more than 100 pokemons to be. ♫ We currently...
  3. P

    Team Avatar: Element Bender

    ADD Trojoka mapper. ADD Lukas bill Spriter. Search 1 spriter, 1 mapper, 1 scripter, 1 programer, 1 Web master :)!!
  4. P

    Team Avatar: Element Bender

    AVATAR: ELEMENT BENDER HISTORY A long time ago the four nations lived together and in harmony, but all that changed when the nation's fire strikes ... The power of the elements was given to the cultures and only a few can control the elements. Benders: WaterBender: Water control was...