• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!


  1. J

    Miracle 7.4 - A New Nostalgic Experience

    Official Website: www.miracle74.com Discord: Join Discord Miracle is a project created based on Tibia 7.4, that has been developed over the past months by enthusiasts of this game, that revolutionized our childhood and the way we interact with our friends in the past. Inspired by renowned 7.4...
  2. abdala ragab

    [France] [8.60] Items 13.21 Cipsoft&Otc | Gamelaots | Custom Evolution Map| PvP-E | War & RPG & Fun | Start Saturday 07.9.2024

    Hello, I wish to present a unique server that is Latest News - GamelaOts (https://gamelaots.online) my dear , We are happy to announce that gamelaOT will be launched today, at 17:00 PM (CET). gamelaOT is a Custom Evolution OT PvP-E 8.60 server, created to provide fun and smooth gameplay for our...
  3. shakal1994


    We are a YurOts server reformulated for better gameplay and at the same time bringing back that nostalgia from Tibia's golden years! Detailed Yurots map Exclusive mounts Retro outfits + new outfits New Monsters New equipment Trainer with stamina recovery Autoloot (!autoloot add, item Free...
  4. onewave1

    [Poland] [12.64] FenirOTS [Real Map]

    Server ip: Fenirots.net Port: 7171 Client: Own client 12.64 Up time: 24/7 Website: FenirOTS (https://fenirots.pl/) Exp rate: Custom stages Map: Real Tibia map till update 10.90 Runes/Potions: Classic tibia runes + empty vials doesnt mess your bp, they are removed Loot rate: x2 + loot events time...
  5. joncis

    [SWEDEN][Custom] Hostopia 10.98. Starts 2019

    Hostopia Beta IP: Evolunia.net Website: hostopia.hopto.org Client: Tibia 10.98, you will be able to download it at website. When: in 2019. delay because of big updates. Uptime: 24/7 Hosted in: Sweden Exp rate: Staged rates Runes/ammo/potion: Unlimited Loot rate: 2x Server type: PVP/RPG. TEMPLE...
  6. ellvo

    [CANADA][10.00/12.00+] NA EZODUS 22nd December Winter Update 2018 Warzone 4,5,6 Asura Palace Falcons

    NA Ezodus 10/12.00 real map server You can create your account already here: NA Ezodus - Create Account IP: na.ezodus.net Port: 7171 Starting Date 22th December 18:00 CET 2018 (Saturday) iOS and Android chat app! More info here! Receive messages sent to your character while you're training...