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Another question about spells


New Member
Sep 6, 2007
Reaction score
local formula_min = -((lv*0.2 + maglv*2.5) + 13)
local formula_max = -((lv*0.2 + maglv*3) + 18)

its the formula im using currently for most magic spells (not always the same numbers obviously), but now i would like to do berserk so anyone knows if its possible to add the weapon damage to the formula, and the skill would be only skill, i mean like this:

local formula_min = -((lvl*0.2 + weapondmg + skill) + 13)?

I would like to know the exact names if some would be so kind to help me, thanks

PD:I forgot to say thanks to the guy who helped me before but i dont find the post, but thanks if u are reading
setCombatFormula(combat, COMBAT_FORMULA_SKILL, 0, -90, 0.7, -50)

sorry but that formula cannot be used as good as i would like since lvl and skill will count into the 0.7 so a lvl 150 with skill 50 will do nearly the same as a lvl 50 with 150 in skills

thanks anyways