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TFS 0.X blockade for new outfits? or what?


Active Member
Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
Hi, i have problem cuz i add new outfits to my server, but only 2 works, i have 9 scrolls, one per addon and only 2 work (all outfits have same script).

Scroll work saying info "u get new addon blablala" but in menu Outfits i dont have more addons, only 2 first.
maybe show the scroll script? That would be nice to know.
...and you added the outfits with addons into data/XML/outfits.xml ? I hope yes while only 2 works so just paste your scroll script.

1. Go to data/actions/
2. Find your spell scroll script and open in notepad or notepad++
3. copy it (select -> select all or simply use CTRL+A and CTRL+C on your keyboard)
4. paste it (CTRL+V) inside the [ code ] there you paste script in post reply [ / code ]
5. post