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Connection Refused on VPS. Not seeing character list.


New Member
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys, I am deploying my OT to an Ubuntu 22 VPS and I am getting connection refused. I don't even see the character list, which leads me to believe that the issue is with MyAcc and its ports, maybe NginX? I opened all the ports on ufw, I changed the IP on the client correctly:


I don't know what else to do.

I got my NginX config from this link: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/luanluciano93/ESTUDOS/master/infraestrutura/default_nginx


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I just checked ports 7171 and 7172 on Open Port Check Tool - Test Port Forwarding on Your Router (https://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/) and they are closed for some reason. There is no configuration on my VPS to allow them (dokehost.com.br). So, I think I will just have to switch VPS.
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Ports 7171 and 7172 opened once I ran the tibia server. But I still get connection refused. I don't know what else to do. I am going to try a different VPS. I will let you guys know if I find a solution.
Something very odd just happened, I had my local server running and tried to login with the VPS ip and it logged into the local server
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Yep, my client was bugged. I just downloaded a new one and it worked lol. Idk what was wrong with it but the IP was not changing.
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