• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

@ Deaths by Makt.

just upload on imagesack and copy link with
we barely know who you are, please.

Liar, everyone knows me so your just talking shit.
Btw you wasn't with there team all the time, so if you don't know anything bout it then just don't post.
Last thing I will say to you, and I would like it if you leave me alone aswell.


//Syron Zedrius
Yea, everyone know who you are!? :huh:
Thats probably why you felt you had to sign with your char name? Haha.. :thumbup:
i have a big butt i cannot lie , u other bla bla bla ;D

I think it is funny how you guys always postcams when you win but we dont when we win because it dont matter to us like earlyer today we owned your hole team it was 7v7 we killed all even the lvl 200 uaushsauashu and no one in our team was 150+
ofc we goin to hav a little team to kill you we not gonna send 1 guy and why u bitchin bout how many we send you sends teams that size for 1 guy to so we are same :):)
I think it is funny how you guys always postcams when you win but we dont when we win because it dont matter to us like earlyer today we owned your hole team it was 7v7 we killed all even the lvl 200 uaushsauashu and no one in our team was 150+

I see you are very proud, Gratz noobie!

I think it is funny how you guys always postcams when you win but we dont when we win because it dont matter to us like earlyer today we owned your hole team it was 7v7 we killed all even the lvl 200 uaushsauashu and no one in our team was 150+

I am just wondered who you are, since I forgot =P
I think it is funny how you guys always postcams when you win but we dont when we win because it dont matter to us like earlyer today we owned your hole team it was 7v7 we killed all even the lvl 200 uaushsauashu and no one in our team was 150+

Thats impressive.. You managed to own their whole team in a 7vs7 fight? Waaaaait a minute. Their team is more than 7 persons.. Faaaail.. Damn, to dumb for your own good.. Someone should really get rid of you guys.. You guys are like a virus..