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Complaint Do moderators ever check "On Hold threads"...?

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Legendary OT User
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
Well, I haven't been waiting for like 1 week or something... But I made a new Contest Thread that I would like to be accepted...
Been waiting for about 12 hours or something, dno...
I've seen moderators online all day... Do you even fucking check if there are any threads that you have to accept/deny?

I even asked 2 mods in Quick Message, here on Otland. But no answer, no accepting.
It's starting to get kinda annoying..

I don't usually complain about things, but I know I'm not the only one that thinks this is a problem..

Wake the fuck up, god damnit...
I guess you've asked Xenios and Hani pokerface.png.

But seriously. You did not asked me, and that's the problem.

Moderators are always able to go inactive due to problems in rl / school or whatever.
I'm active almost 24/7 because I do never sleep, so feel free to msg. me next time.

I don't check all boards/reports so often, because I'm focusing myself on the most trolled/spammed sections.
Ok. :( I added hotlink on my own signature to moderating thread panel for moderators. Just to improve my moderation there a little. Tend to forget it. :p Thanks for feedback.
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