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Dyablo Vencelli is totally unfit to be a tutor


New Member
Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
Well, he can't keep treating people like that. He should help and advise.

I made this same question to Jotel (tutor), he didn't helped me at all, but he answered and tried to explain somethings.

There is 1.800 people online on this OTS, I'm sure that there is somebody better than him to take his role.
Thank you!

You do realize that it is quite hard to get an idea of the situation when you only show what you wrote to him in private and we don't know why he muted you to begin with, right?

Dyablo has been a tutor on our server for a very long time and has done a great job during that time. The fact that you seem to have gotten on a bad start with him doesn't affect that.
well, you can see he can't show respect!
that's enough for me

He could just say "I cant help you, try contacting our support by email"
But he says "I dont give a fuck about your problems kid, stop talking bulshit"
Dyablo is a great tutor and it]s pretty clear that you are hiding something . you probably insulted him, and the only thing you got was that small answer which must be nothing in comparison with what you said and far less than what you deserved
i didnt insult him, just after he saying "stop talking bullshit youre such a kid"
well, then i called him IDIOT....
i just wanted him to unmute me because i was asking for help, so i sent him private messages...... and this "excellent" tutor had an "excellent" anwser.
Jotel at least tried to help me friendly not muting and insulting.