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[Germany] [Custom] [Official Release] Evolisca S2 - Custom Mid Rates Evo - 860 Mechanics - 25/11/2024 19:00 GMT +2

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Great OT with lots to do, im having alot of fun playing here. It looks p2w but the highest player is f2p and is dominating in power. This ot can be played 100% f2p and still you will be strong.
one of the best servers ive ever played, much respect to the efforts and creativity been spent on this server love it, that type of server when there is everything working soo smooth and perfect, awesome server.. enjoying it much so far 😍
Personally I rate it 5/10 cuz I don't enojy/like (personally): 1. Huge need to have more than one char to progress, farming dungeon tokens, items to npcs, gems or killing bosses is crucial to be able to advance and keep up with talents. Instead of encouraing the people to group, for example for dungeon, people just go with the mcs cuz its just better, everything is made to abuse it with mc. You just cant play with one character. 2. Boring missions with lack of spawns - basically full afk botting spot for dozen of hours with 5pp hitting one monster is not fun at all - idle gameplay and u cant really skip it cuz u need these talent points. Not mentoning these full afk botters sits on the spawn for 24hrs a day, often with x times ur level so u cant really compete with them.3. Dunno with this one but I generally feel like my character progress is unclear, despite the simple talent system. Whenever I go I just feel not strong enough. Looking for hidden talent points is really time consuming as well, u cant really check what are you missing - npcs, hidden chests, bossess - u have to remember what u did. 4. Wiki is not really built with information - its kinda unclear and the info already packed is chaotic or often short explained. 5. Also I see u guys talk about getting addon dolls from bossess. Idk if i'm unlucky one but I haved killed about 20 bossess and didnt loot a single doll. Cheers
Personally I rate it 5/10 cuz I don't enojy/like (personally): 1. Huge need to have more than one char to progress, farming dungeon tokens, items to npcs, gems or killing bosses is crucial to be able to advance and keep up with talents. Instead of encouraing the people to group, for example for dungeon, people just go with the mcs cuz its just better, everything is made to abuse it with mc. You just cant play with one character. 2. Boring missions with lack of spawns - basically full afk botting spot for dozen of hours with 5pp hitting one monster is not fun at all - idle gameplay and u cant really skip it cuz u need these talent points. Not mentoning these full afk botters sits on the spawn for 24hrs a day, often with x times ur level so u cant really compete with them.3. Dunno with this one but I generally feel like my character progress is unclear, despite the simple talent system. Whenever I go I just feel not strong enough. Looking for hidden talent points is really time consuming as well, u cant really check what are you missing - npcs, hidden chests, bossess - u have to remember what u did. 4. Wiki is not really built with information - its kinda unclear and the info already packed is chaotic or often short explained. 5. Also I see u guys talk about getting addon dolls from bossess. Idk if i'm unlucky one but I haved killed about 20 bossess and didnt loot a single doll. Cheers
1. you are somewhat right that you need an mc, but thats only for crafting, and maybe sooome missions(some npc missions are extremely long, but most are quick to do on main char/buy from ppl)
2. a lot of ppl joined the ot and there's not enough spawns, afaik it's being worked on
3. mobs generally will always hit a lot, but you get much stronger with new gear/upgrades, p2w aspect of upgrading gear has been adjused and now you can easily drop upgrade stones from skulled mobs, focus on upgrading your atk on gear(spells dmg scale with it)
4. ? idk wiki is player driven, i've used it a lot, of course stil missing tons of info becasue the server is new
5. i got all addons/mounts just from bosses, later bosses have better chances too
The latest game update brings a plethora of new content, fixes, and improvements:

New Content and Features:
  • Introducing two new dungeons for players at levels 2000 and 2500, with loot conveniently visible within the in-game window.
  • A new spawn at level 1200 has been added, alongside two additional spawns in the 2000 level range.

  • Players can now encounter the Spirit of Purity within one of the new 2000-level spawns, which can be tamed for a reward of 2 talent points.
  • A new NPC quest at level 2000 grants increased healing and mana from all runes, extending to corresponding spawns.
  • A new proxy system has been implemented with a North America server based in Canada to enhance connection stability and reduce latency.
Screenshot 2024-03-30 043734.png

  • Autoloot has been adjusted to prevent infinite slots, ensuring fair gameplay.
  • The Penguin Event Teleport duration has been extended to 5 minutes, with the penguin summon occurring after 3 minutes for improved event participation.
  • Non-PvP areas have been improved to allow more players to attack bosses, fostering greater engagement in PvE content.
  • Market pages have been optimized for smoother functionality.
  • Client and bot performance have been enhanced for a better overall gaming experience.
  • A critical bug allowing the equipping of unowned cosmetics has been fixed, ensuring fair cosmetic usage.
  • Various minor map bugs have been addressed for a more polished gaming environment.
Screenshot 2024-03-30 043627.png
  • Guild members are now unable to attack each other, promoting a more cohesive guild experience.
  • Party experience sharing has been greatly improved, encouraging teamwork and collaboration.
  • PvP damage has been significantly reduced across all vocations for better PvP balance.
  • Healing spells for Druids have been slightly nerfed, while Knights have received a slight damage buff for improved class balance.
  • Issues with automatic point transfers via PayPal have been resolved, ensuring smoother transactions.
  • New spawns have been added for level 1500 and higher, along with two new bosses available for raid every 4 hours and as task bosses.
  • Experience stages at 2500-2999 and 3000-3499 have been significantly buffed to address previous low experience gains in those ranges.
  • Players will now receive information about the next talent cap when they reach the current limit, enhancing transparency in character progression.
  • The area of effect (AOE) damage in PvP has been greatly reduced, fostering a more balanced PvP environment.
  • The 2k Backpack Quest has been fixed for smoother quest completion.
  • Experience for Deepling Warriors has been adjusted for accuracy.
  • Daily rewards now properly delete old player creatures for improved reward management.

These updates aim to enrich gameplay, address bugs, and create a more enjoyable experience for all players.
I was getting some pretty heavy ping in the US, server seems really fun though.
A proxy has been added for North America for the heavy ping you been going through, another proxy for the south american region is planned to be added soon
Great ot! A lot of kind and generous players, very friendly guiding you how to/what to. Very interactive staff holding frequent events and keeping you up to date what they're working with and chats with you as an actual human being. 7.6/7.6 ducklings.
Appreciate all the work the Admins has done, they update this server all the time. The server is still new and all this updates been done and the good thing is that they always listen to the community and helps us out alot. Really recommend it to all people to try it out, one of the best server ive played in if not the best evo server. 10/10 admins and service, really good work on this server. Looks really amazing.
one of the best servers ive ever played, much respect to the efforts and creativity been spent on this server love it, that type of server when there is everything working soo smooth and perfect, awesome server.. enjoying it much so far 😍
Just updating your comment i saw because i saw u wrote a comment some days ago, who are u? Why you love lying so much hahah ops..
I didn't want to start this at all but now they send people or create new accounts to post in my thread that my OT is taken from here and the fact is this OT is stolen from my OT.
One of owners of this OT was working with me and had full access on GitHub to my OT, website and client files and I figured that he took them to implement them into this OT without any permission from me.

Let me share with you all some screens of things that prove my talk:
Website: [All these screens from this OT website and all of that mine and my database]
  • I will let you guys watch the album.
  • You can find these links broken because it is not optimized to work with this OT website, they just took the files and downloaded layout and run.
  • They even forgot to remove ads.txt which i use in google adsense because they just stole the whole folder and RUN.
    • Screenshot 2024-05-04 202735.png
  • In the photos you can see tooltip item feature which was made for me by @gpedro and paid for it long time ago.
  • What written in rules was my rules i added.
    • You can find jail and they got no jail in the whole OT.
  • Most of data on the website related to OxygenOT.
  • Well, some of the modules are using now were done and more were planned but thanks god that I didn't add much or they would take it too.
  • A lot of client modules they are using taken from blacktalon mainly (If you played blacktalon and played here, you will figure out) and other clients after they found a way to decrypt clients.
  • If you logged there and pressed ctrl+t, you will find a red screen. [It is not intended to be red but a lot of errors]
    • That's because of steal and run logic.
  • Most of scripts and msgs in game appear the same as Oxygen as they are using most of Oxygen scripts.
  • They are using the same engine otx 2
  • There are a lot of taken scripts are working there [autoloot, talents "they changed the name from attributes to talents - I think it is the only thing they changed", tokens shop and a lot more...]
At the end,
As I said I didn't want to start that at all and chosen to work without complain. I choose to improve and learn more with my OT as I always do over the years from protocol 8.1 till now.
Note: If you want to say something, come and say it. Don't send others or create accounts to post things not related to the real.
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Before any denies, admits, argues who's right and who's wrong as I'm not siding with anyone here as I know both parties involved.
Just proving a point for people making new accounts to accuse him of ripping them off.
3. Statements: - (Action: Warning then banishment)
a) It is not accepted to talk badly about someone's religious believes. Doing that can lead to banishment.
b) We will not tolerate any kind of racism/sexism/homophobia on this server. You are entitled to your own opinions but keep them to yourself. This will lead to banishment.
c) Disclosing personal data of other players will lead to banishment. This server is hosted in EU and will abide by GDPR regulations.
I re-wrote this rules message for mRefaat, years ago for is Oxygen server.
And also the donations message.
But I also know Oxygen engine/map was based on something released here originally but has been massively changed.

As I said not taking sides just pointing out facts.
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