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Gesior Acc Maker Problem!


New Member
Feb 17, 2008
Reaction score
I get this Error when I'm at Step 3 and start with Step 4



Got another Problem now... how to change ip etc. to get the adress to the page for other players? the ip isnt working just localhost and how to change the lvl of new char etc.?
If you're using Account Manager: Set it in your config.lua (for the new levels etc.)

If you're using Gesior AAC: Change the level/health/mana/cap of all the sample chars in your database.

For the site problem: Make sure you open port 80 in your router and firewall.
Then it's possible that your ISP blocks incoming port 80.
You should either contact them about it and ask them to not block it or change the port apache runs on.

To do that follow this tutorial:
The only downfall of changing that is that when people access your site they will have to add a :port# after your ip.
So if your ip is irnub.servegame.com and you changed it to port 7272 your players would have to type irnub.servegame.com:7272
last time i made an ot (when 8.1 was the newest client) everything worked with page and all entered without probs but now its not working and i did nothing in my router config

i think i made anything wrong with any config idk
tell me the possible faults
and thanks for the help