• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

Gratz Navid ,Lopek and all noobs who invite again retardeds who only pinging


Apr 10, 2014
Reaction score
lapa xabor alex after raped on ankrahmun and dara 3 x they start to pinging


Apr 13 2014, 16:43:59 Killed at Level 310 by Akatosh Divine

Nice Mark Hani ban them forever from this server on 1-2 days and its will be again "ded" server becouse every1 will quit :

I hate pings :) i got all ips from ambition team and what? no1 get pinged ciao !
but gajs why you dieng like a piece of shits?
Veziv is tryna mas res himself ahahahahah
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lapa xabor alex after raped on ankrahmun and dara 3 x they start to pinging


Apr 13 2014, 16:43:59 Killed at Level 310 by Akatosh Divine

Nice Mark Hani ban them forever from this server on 1-2 days and its will be again "ded" server becouse every1 will quit :

I hate pings :) i got all ips from ambition team and what? no1 get pinged ciao !
after we ded 3x how many times did u die in banuta / vengoth / port hope yesterday and we didnt die 3x we died 1x =p u no life shadap go back to ur nb chars and exiva people while u bot ur chars
its our fault?
they would've pinged you anyways cuz they are horny dogs u nab
maybe stop giving them this attention cuz it's exactly what they are on about
Nice Mark Hani ban them forever from this server on 1-2 days and its will be again "ded" server becouse every1 will quit :
When they're with you: No bro they aren't pinging!
When they're with someone else: What teh feck? Tell Xabor stop ping mi

Thing is Veziv didnt say to ping out of the ordinary he said it if only they pinged us that he would fuck them up. They ping 24/7
veziv u and me we got same windows gajs (Y) xabor fan club stop ping mi gejs :oops::eek::p
But gajs. We don't let Alex ping till u do nt come to serpentine tower with 4x 250-300 eks .i. .Kk i understand you scared as fuck cuz we crashed you so many time when we had equal teams, without ping. So stop spam forum
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+ We pinged after Skeon as I heard, deleted our vt acc. So don't blame them.

+We dont ping till its fair fight.
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