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Windows Houses and mysql?


Aug 18, 2008
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Hello! I have noticed that many ppl got the same problem as I do, I have asked lot of experienced mates and none of them knew solution. I need to find solution for this problem, I hope you will be able to help me.

The problem is that I can't edit houses in my server. For example: If I want to change title/doors or delete house at all I can do it in map editor, but changes aren't seen in game. Than I started to understand that houses are being saved in database at moment when you import schema.mysql. And the question is:

How can I update(tell my database to load) information about houses in database so they would be the same as they are in map?

THank you!
Actually, the houses in the database checks the house.xml pretty often, in fact every restart of the OT Server. So, what I think the problem is that, you are using a shortcut of your map, in other words the map is saved on another directionary than the one you are editing, so the database is listening to your first map that you have been using, and as it checks the map everytime you restart the server, nothing happens because you have not changed anything in the real map that your database listens to.

So, what you would need to do is that, go to your map and "save it as" see where it is being saved on your computer, change the file location to where you edit your map right now. Then make your changes and restart the server.

That sounds quite difficult, or can be confusing to read but was pretty hard to explain, because many has been having the same problem like you, and 80 % of all problem's was solved by me.
if so, why other changes take effect after restarting my ot? Everything that is not selected as house takes the effect after restart. And If I change or delete a house, than import new schema.mysql(create new database) than it loads everything fine and houses are the same as they are in that moment.
wtf i just discovered that i have the same problem ;s in my house.xml its NONE houses and when i start the map all houses is there ;s (i deleted all houses for some reason haha). thats pretty fucked up ;x

I know, everyone has that issue and try to import now schema.mysql and start server with other database(new one, that u imported) u wont have any houses(if you deleted). But I want to know how to load them, because I dont want to char reset every time I have to change something in my houses -.-
Houses are imported to db at first run for sure, so you can delete houses in db and they will be refreshed but you will loose owners & items.