• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

is this legal?


Tibia since 1998'
Dec 14, 2010
Reaction score
United States
This is not legal but don't expect them to be banned since the staff will answer in 2 days and then say "they are not there anymore".
i think the staff is unprofessional, 2 gms havent been on in over a month, 3 tutors offline for weeks, they think just cause they have 1000 players online daily, they dont have to pay attention to there players, i think its very unresponsable how they let players abuse the rules of the server, and they dont even give punishment!
First of all this is illegal. They are blocking the entrance, so their friends/main chars can exp. There.
And i am sure that the GM's will bann them because this is not the first time they doing it and it won't be the last.

Thanks for your post.
First of all this is illegal. They are blocking the entrance, so their friends/main chars can exp. There.
And i am sure that the GM's will bann them because this is not the first time they doing it and it won't be the last.

Thanks for your post.
thank you! finally staff is responding about this :)
@techriz everytime i see a thread thats like this about someone breaking rules you always tell them to send an email which isnt a very good method and isnt very supportive id think you would have alternatives instead of sending an email which wont even be read until 48 hours later.
The staff only read reports in email.