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Lost Bp and helmet even with all bless and tof

kenjin magician

They Won´t quit until they drop me
Oct 4, 2012
Reaction score
This morning i loged to play and died because of lag...i didnt care since i had bless so i decided to take a break and go out for a while . when i came back and loged into my acc i just foound out that i lost my bp and my helmet . Nobody logged into my acc after my death, so it was not a hacker .

It is not the first time , once i lost my spellbook of ancient arcana but the staff members said it was my fault because i had no bless . Now i want to know something : are you guys kidding with us, players?

I lost 25kk plus a yalahari mask, is that fair ?

Blessing are not working and i dont fell confident to play until you guys fix it !
I want my money back ! this is really, really unfair .
this char is not my main char and i wonder what will happen if i die on my main and loose any equip .
i wish i could say that i dont need my money back but i had multiple backpacks with me and lost 65 % of my money .
i would never forget bless because i died already WITH them but lost stuff, so i ALWAYS check 3 times before leave the temple and start hunt again .

i even tell to my brother do the same with his char .
and guess what ? he died once and lost his bp, luckely he was just a lvl 125 pally .
this bug is old and remains here, i want it fixed and my money back . I am not asking for anything i dont deserve

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You carry 25kk in your backpack? :p

Here goes what i lost :
yalahari mask
royal scale robe
3 pair of soft boots
deep ocrea legs
spellbook of ancient arcana
2 premmy scrolls and 1 lvl i think .

and i had like 98 crystal coins inside one bp
dude that was you thanks for forgetting bless
you really did make me rich :)
they can check the sop and they will see that i bough 2 premmy scrolls recently . They should test all npc´s to see wich one is buged !

it´s pretty clear something is wrong with bless system !
with my main char i travel from city to city just to buy bless to avoid die without them, that is ridiculous !
i should not be forced to buy bless in 3 cities!
fix it!
dude that was you thanks for forgetting bless
you really did make me rich :)

It doesnt matter to me who is with my equips . Probaly you´re luing and nobody found my body . I just want my stuff back or i will surely stop play .

This is ridiculous

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hi all yes
hi twist of fate yes

I had it and still have it since i died by creatures, noob
It doesnt matter to me who is with my equips . Probaly you´re luing and nobody found my body . I just want my stuff back or i will surely stop play .

This is ridiculous

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I had it and still have it since i died by creatures, noob

oh i dont have your loot and noone cares if you stop playing theres another 1.2k+ players
^ they will remain playing in a laggy server ? in a server where there is clearly something very wrong about the bless system ?

do oyu have my loot? good to you, i will not ask you for it . I will ask to the staff members . They should guarantee a server without bugs
nah i dont have it actually :) but yeah i agree somethings wrong with bless i didnt lose any items yet but i been losing 2 Full levels at a time and im not even 200 yet
yeah, i am not even talking about the death penalty because they probably have a different formula, who knows .
i lost once 3 lvls at lvl 230 , weird no ?

i think that some npc is buged, i dont really know, i just want my stuff back...im so mad lol
this is sad but funny at the same time, in the end of the day is just a game...
i put so many time here that reading my previous coments i see that i lost my mind a lil bit...
the point is : something is wrong with blessings and i think i will change server, ho yeah

i was excited with shadowcores but suddenly it turned into sadness and regret .
wish i could get back my euros .

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even if they say : "here is your money ", the problem will remain there .
how can we play in a server with this kind of bug ?
i mean, its not the first time, im not the first person, and it is getting stupid and repetitive
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nice nice nice xD i say "szalony czarodziej" its not ur character and u must die for it.

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btw next time:

hi>all>yes>twist of fate>yes

thx bye
If they dont give my items back, at least the premmy scrolls ( they can see that i bought them ) i will stop play .
At this point they are not answering at all .

This is not prefessional, we need a answer .
Fun how they dont understand why they are being Ddos´s
There was a bug with blessings 2 days ago, which was for ~5 hours before I patched it and compensated everyone who died during that time.

You lost items because you didn't have blessings, it's simple as that. I don't expect you to understand, because based on your forum post history I can clearly tell that you're either retarded or a troll, whichever it is I don't care and I wouldn't mind if you quit playing on ShadowCores.
There was a bug with blessings 2 days ago, which was for ~5 hours before I patched it and compensated everyone who died during that time.

You lost items because you didn't have blessings, it's simple as that. I don't expect you to understand, because based on your forum post history I can clearly tell that you're either retarded or a troll, whichever it is I don't care and I wouldn't mind if you quit playing on ShadowCores.

Wow, a administrator insulting a player because he wants to see a bug fixed .
I should be a great troll to provoke such emotions .

I am just a ordinary player, that likes to participate on forums and excited with shadowcores ^^
The bless system is buged and i am not the only one complaining about that, so, take it easy ^^
I am pretty sure that you spend more in web security than i do on shadowcores, so i still winning after all ^^
You should not insult players like you did, they can move to the "dark side" of the force ^^
You´re brave enough to call me a retard and troll but let´s see if you ban me with no reason to do so, proving that you´re just mad and bad professional .
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Wow, a administrator insulting a player because he wants to see a bug fixed .
I should be a great troll to provoke such emotions .

I am just a ordinary player, that likes to participate on forums and excited with shadowcores ^^
The bless system is buged and i am not the only one complaining about that, so, take it easy ^^
I am pretty sure that you spend more in web security than i do on shadowcores, so i still winning after all ^^
You should not insult players like you did, they can move to the "dark side" of the force ^^
You´re brave enough to call me a retard and troll but let´s see if you ban me with no reason to do so, proving that you´re just mad

They will ban you man, but you´re right .
the security part is epic ahahahah

* they banned me because i started a thread about the last update :/

siramix said : " do you think you´re a especial human " ?

^ just because i created a poll .
yep, i did the same and got banned too .
but to me they said something like : fuck you bastard, dont let people know that all we want is more money, what the hell are you doing by creating this stupid polls where everyone will say that this new scorpion mount update is terrible ? let the noobs pay for the mount ! we will ban you right now, gimme a sec "


very unprofessional