• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!



Jul 24, 2007
Reaction score
Hai thar. I'm quitting this server because I came to the conclusion that tibia still sucks balls. So, because I don't want my account to just rot, I'm giving it away and since I don't need any tibia gold/items or whatever I'm giving it away for free.

The lottery will start tomorrow at 4 AM (GMT -1, figure it out for yourselves, that's part of the task)
This lottery is completly free of charge and will work on a first come, first serve basis. This means, if you want to get a ticket, you should reply fast once the lottery opens cause there will only be 20 tickets.

The rules are simple, if you want to participate, simply leave a reply saying your in game name and a number from 1-20, that number will be your ticket number and can only be used by one player. When 20 players have replied, it will no longer be possible to aqcuire a ticket. After that I will select 3 random numbers and award those 3 players with the prizes.

The prizes for this lottery will be..
First prize: My account and 3 characters (no gold included, 155 MS 150 RP and 134 ED all with gear on, questions about them, feel free to post here)
Second prize: My house and all the items currently in there (again, no gold included)
Third prize: An experience scroll
Fourth prize: Gold (106 crystal coins)

If there are any questions, feel free to post here untill 4 AM tomorrow when the lottery will open. (any replies with a name and number before 4 AM will be ignored)

So, good luck and let the questions/flames begin!

1. Tiri Aurullan
2. Leon of Sky
3. Fatality
4. Fractal
5. Fejl
6. Werkon
7. Ice Meto
8. Yew
9. Vanessa
10. Vengo
11. Charlie Jongelboaen
12. Sad Knight
13. Xienu
14. Klim Ironbone
15. Religiao Matanza
16. Flashback
17. Melizie
18. Sudaki
19. Kyran
20. Ashley Riot
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have the rec key on the char been taken? how many exp scrolls used on them?
No recovery key taken, sorc and paladin both have 5 exp scrolls used, druid none.