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LUA Script help


New Member
Oct 18, 2012
Reaction score
Well, hello guys!,

I do got this script,

function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
	local v, tmp = math.random(333), getCreatureOutfit(cid)
	while isInArray({tmp.lookType, 75, 135, 266, 302}, v) == TRUE or v <= 1 or (v > 160 and v < 192) or v > 333 do
		v = math.random(351)
	tmp.lookType = v
	doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, tmp)
	doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED)
	doCreatureSay(cid, 'Your outfit has been changed.', TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1, false, cid, getThingPos(cid))
	return TRUE

It's an actionID in a leveler, what it does, is when you right-click it, it randomly changes your outfit, but theres a serious problem, when you got any outfit, with any random addon, and you just right-click as crazy the leveler, the outfit changes so fast, and i don't know why the players loose like 200 hitpoints, and that increases their Hitpoints so bad when they heal them, so they can bug their HP more than 33k,
I have been thinking if there's possible to add like exhaustion to the leveler? like 5 seconds, or I don't know if there's something wrong with it?

Hope anyone could help me to solve this out, thank you so much!
/data/xml/outfits.xml maybe there are some properties for outfits
local EXHAUST_TIME = 10 --in seconds
local EXHAUST_STRG = 12345
function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
	if (getCreatureStorage(cid, EXHAUST_STRG) > os.time()) then
		return false
	local v, tmp = math.random(333), getCreatureOutfit(cid)
	while isInArray({tmp.lookType, 75, 135, 266, 302}, v) == TRUE or v <= 1 or (v > 160 and v < 192) or v > 333 do
		v = math.random(351)
	tmp.lookType = v
	doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, tmp)
	doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED)
	doCreatureSay(cid, 'Your outfit has been changed.', TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1, false, cid, getThingPos(cid))
	doCreatureSetStorage(cid, EXHAUST_STRG, os.time()+EXHAUST_TIME)
	return true
with exhaustion
/data/xml/outfits.xml maybe there are some properties for outfits
local EXHAUST_TIME = 10 --in seconds
local EXHAUST_STRG = 12345
function onUse(cid, item, fromPosition, itemEx, toPosition)
	if (getCreatureStorage(cid, EXHAUST_STRG) > os.time()) then
		return false
	local v, tmp = math.random(333), getCreatureOutfit(cid)
	while isInArray({tmp.lookType, 75, 135, 266, 302}, v) == TRUE or v <= 1 or (v > 160 and v < 192) or v > 333 do
		v = math.random(351)
	tmp.lookType = v
	doCreatureChangeOutfit(cid, tmp)
	doSendMagicEffect(getThingPos(cid), CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED)
	doCreatureSay(cid, 'Your outfit has been changed.', TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1, false, cid, getThingPos(cid))
	doCreatureSetStorage(cid, EXHAUST_STRG, os.time()+EXHAUST_TIME)
	return true
with exhaustion

Thank you, i tested it, and the exhaustion does work, but there still the same problem that they do lose hitpoints & mana points when they go back to their normal outfits, when this happen, and when they heal, their hp & mana increase :s what could this be?

here is my outfits.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <outfit id="1">
        <list gender="0" lookType="136" name="Citizen">
        <attribute speed="10"/>
        <stats maxHealth="100"/>
        <list gender="1" lookType="128" name="Citizen">
        <attribute speed="10"/>
        <stats maxHealth="100"/>
    <outfit id="2">
        <list gender="0" lookType="137" name="Hunter">
        <skills dist="3"/>
        <list gender="1" lookType="129" name="Hunter">
        <skills dist="3"/>
    <outfit id="3">
        <list gender="0" lookType="138" name="Mage">
        <stats magLevel="2"/>
        <stats maxMana="200"/>
        <list gender="1" lookType="130" name="Mage">
        <stats magLevel="2"/>
        <stats maxMana="200"/>
    <outfit id="4">
        <list gender="0" lookType="139" name="Knight">
        <skills sword="3"/>
        <list gender="1" lookType="131" name="Knight">
        <skills sword="3"/>
    <outfit id="5" premium="no">
        <list gender="0" lookType="140" name="Noblewoman">
        <skills club="3"/>
        <list gender="1" lookType="132" name="Nobleman">
        <skills club="3"/>
    <outfit id="6" premium="no">
        <list gender="0" lookType="141" name="Summoner">
        <stats magLevel="3"/>
        <stats maxMana="200"/>
        <list gender="1" lookType="133" name="Summoner">
        <stats magLevel="2"/>
        <stats maxMana="200"/>
    <outfit id="7" premium="no">
        <list gender="0" lookType="142" name="Warrior">
        <skills melee="3"/>
        <list gender="1" lookType="134" name="Warrior">
        <skills melee="3"/>
    <outfit id="8" premium="no">
        <list gender="0" lookType="147" name="Barbarian">
        <skills axe="5"/>
        <skills sword="2"/>
        <skills club="2"/>
         <stats maxHealth="200"/>
        <list gender="1" lookType="143" name="Barbarian">
        <skills axe="3"/>
        <skills sword="2"/>
        <skills club="2"/>
        <stats maxHealth="200"/>
    <outfit id="9" premium="no">
        <list gender="0" lookType="148" name="Druid">
        <stats magLevel="3"/>
	<absorb percentPoison="5"/>
        <list gender="1" lookType="144" name="Druid">
        <stats magLevel="3"/>
	<absorb percentPoison="5"/>
    <outfit id="10" premium="no">
        <list gender="0" lookType="149" name="Wizard">
        <stats magLevel="1"/>
         <stats maxHealth="100"/>
        <stats maxMana="200"/>
	<absorb percentDeath="5"/>
        <list gender="1" lookType="145" name="Wizard">
        <stats magLevel="1"/>
         <stats maxHealth="100"/>
        <stats maxMana="200"/>
	<absorb percentDeath="5"/>
    <outfit id="11" premium="no">
        <list gender="0" lookType="150" name="Oriental">
        <stats maxHealth="200"/>
        <stats maxMana="200"/>
        <attribute speed="50"/>
        <list gender="1" lookType="146" name="Oriental">
        <stats maxHealth="200"/>
        <stats maxMana="200"/>
        <attribute speed="50"/>
    <outfit id="12" premium="no">
        <list gender="0" lookType="155" name="Pirate">
        <stats maxHealth="100"/>
        <skills club="5"/>
        <list gender="1" lookType="151" name="Pirate">
        <stats maxHealth="100"/>
        <skills club="5"/>
    <outfit id="13" premium="no" >
        <list gender="0" lookType="156" name="Assassin">
        <attribute speed="80"/>
        <skills dist="3"/>
        <stats magLevel="2"/>
        <list gender="1" lookType="152" name="Assassin">
        <attribute speed="80"/>
        <skills dist="3"/>
        <stats magLevel="2"/>
    <outfit id="14" premium="no" >
        <list gender="0" lookType="157" name="Beggar">
        <absorb percentAll="5"/>
        <list gender="1" lookType="153" name="Beggar">
        <absorb percentAll="5"/>
    <outfit id="15" premium="no" >
        <list gender="0" lookType="158" name="Shaman">
        <stats magLevel="2"/>
	<absorb percentEnergy="5"/>
        <list gender="1" lookType="154" name="Shaman">
        <stats magLevel="2"/>
	<absorb percentEnergy="5"/>
    <outfit id="16" premium="no" >
        <list gender="0" lookType="252" name="Norsewoman">
        <skills shielding="5"/>
	<absorb percentIce="15"/>
        <stats maxHealth="200"/>
        <skills club="3"/>
        <stats magLevel="2"/>
        <list gender="1" lookType="251" name="Norseman">
        <skills shielding="5"/>
	<absorb percentIce="15"/>
        <stats maxHealth="200"/>
        <skills club="3"/>
        <stats magLevel="2"/>
    <outfit id="17" premium="no" >
        <list gender="0" lookType="269" name="Nightmare">
        <skills shielding="5"/>
	<absorb percentPhysical="15"/>
        <list gender="1" lookType="268" name="Nightmare">
        <skills shielding="5"/>
	<absorb percentPhysical="15"/>
    <outfit id="18" premium="no">
        <list gender="0" lookType="270" name="Jester">
        <stats maxMana="100"/>
        <attribute speed="50"/>
        <stats maxHealth="100"/>
        <list gender="1" lookType="273" name="Jester">
        <stats maxMana="100"/>
        <attribute speed="50"/>
        <stats maxHealth="100"/>
    <outfit id="19" premium="no">
        <list gender="0" lookType="279" name="Brotherhood">
        <stats magLevel="3"/>
	<absorb percentDeath="5"/>
        <stats maxHealth="100"/>
        <list gender="1" lookType="278" name="Brotherhood">
        <stats magLevel="3"/>
	<absorb percentDeath="5"/>
        <stats maxHealth="100"/>
    <outfit id="20" premium="no" >
        <list gender="0" lookType="288" name="Demonhunter">
        <attribute speed="10"/>
        <stats maxHealth="300"/>
	<absorb percentFire="5"/>
        <list gender="1" lookType="289" name="Demonhunter">
        <attribute speed="10"/>
        <stats maxHealth="300"/>
	<absorb percentFire="5"/>
    <outfit id="21" premium="no" >
        <list gender="0" lookType="324" name="Yalaharian">
        <attribute speed="20"/>
        <stats magLevel="2"/>
        <stats maxHealth="250"/>
        <stats maxMana="250"/>
        <list gender="1" lookType="325" name="Yalaharian">
        <attribute speed="20"/>
        <stats magLevel="2"/>
        <stats maxHealth="250"/>
        <stats maxMana="250"/>

    <outfit id="22" premium="no">
        <list gender="0" lookType="336" name="Warmaster">
        <stats maxMana="200"/>
        <stats maxHealth="200"/>
        <stats magLevel="2"/>
	<absorb percentHoly="5"/>
        <list gender="1" lookType="335" name="Warmaster">
        <stats maxMana="200"/>
        <stats maxHealth="200"/>
        <stats magLevel="2"/>
	<absorb percentHoly="5"/>

	<outfit id="23" premium="no">
		<list gender="0" lookType="366" name="Wayfarer"/>
		<list gender="1" lookType="367" name="Wayfarer"/>

	<outfit id="24" premium="no" default="0">
		<list gender="0" lookType="329" name="Wedding"/>
		<list gender="1" lookType="328" name="Wedding"/>

	<outfit id="25" access="5" premium="no">
		<list gender="0-3" lookType="12" name="Archdemon"/>

	<outfit id="26" access="5" premium="no">
		<list gender="0-3" lookType="159" name="Elf"/>

	<outfit id="27" access="5" premium="no">
		<list gender="0-3" lookType="160" name="Dwarf"/>

	<outfit id="28" access="5" premium="no">
		<list gender="0-3" lookType="226" name="Frog"/>

	<outfit id="29" access="5" premium="no">
		<list gender="0-3" lookType="194" name="Cult"/>

	<outfit id="30" access="5" premium="no">
		<list gender="0-3" lookType="253" name="Headsplitter"/>

	<outfit id="31" access="5" premium="no">
		<list gender="0-3" lookType="254" name="Skullhunter"/>

	<outfit id="32" access="5" premium="no">
		<list gender="0-3" lookType="255" name="Bloodwalker"/>

	<outfit id="33" access="5" premium="no">
		<list gender="0-3" lookType="264" name="Brutetamer"/>

	<outfit id="34" access="3" premium="no">
		<list gender="0-3" lookType="75" name="Gamemaster"/>

	<outfit id="35" access="4" premium="no">
		<list gender="0-3" lookType="266" name="Community Manager"/>

	<outfit id="36" access="5" premium="no">
		<list gender="0-3" lookType="302" name="God"/>