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@Lunarforce transferAVILABLE??


New Member
Jul 1, 2013
Reaction score
@Lunarforce transferAVILABLE??

Hello everyone, I don’t know all At all where should i write abort his so I write In many topics. I want start to open talk about available transfer from shadowcores to lunarforce.

Why that?

Lunarforce need people who want to play in hardcore pvp people it is harder to lvl up characters if transfer will be available to this world gonna come more people. Market gonna be reburn. Now is dead. It is simply that in hardcored pvp play alone is difficult. Shadowcores is server which is online since more than year that mean there are many people who got many characters. I’m sure that people will come without lose players that so much in shadowcores. There is over 1000 players everyday. That mean server is full. Really full in one respawn can be even 10 people. People stop to play because they just can’t have fun about lvling or another shits because every where are people! Another server as Lunarforce is perfect to play even with hardcored pvp. Server is empty, over 100 players per day. That mean there is 10x less players.

Why from shadow to lunar?

In my opinion that gonna be so much better. Lunarforce was dead long time less than 100 players. People get so much cash and lvs. But the worst is that mean delete Lunarforce which many people don’t want. I think people want to reburn server not lose it.


This thread have been written to open your eyes. To show YOU! That we should do something about the server. Now we have holidays. Why we can’t enjoy server in 100%? Server is almost complitly dead. Start to think about options to make better Lunarforce not only focus in shadowcores where is around 1500 players.

-Royal Gynyu