OTClient Modues
I recently started to work with OTClient and are slowly building a collection of modules in my spare time.You can freely use them in any project and modify it to your liking.
If you find bugs or have improvements, please make sure to create either an issue or a pull request on GitHub.
Please note that all these modules were created for TFS 1.4, and I can't tell if they work for other versions.
Recommended Hunting Places
I created this module for Eternal Odyssey, it should help players find hunting places and recommend them places based on their level and skills.
The hunting places are located in your server's scripts directory and get loaded on startup of your server, the server will automatically gather the client IDs and look types of creatures.
Players will receive a packet with the hunting places on Login.
Minimap Party Icons
This module helps you keep track of your party members by showing an icon and label on the minimap.
It currently requests and sends data with every step of every party member. This might be taxing on the server, but honestly I have no idea.
If you have a recommendation for a better way of doing this, please let me know, so I can change the code and push an update.
You can find the source for these modules on my GitHub.
I will continue to post new modules depending on how much free time I have. If you have wishes for modules, let me know, so I can take a look into it.